My husband didn’t know our son’s full birth date

@willyt1562 My 2022 baby was born 2/23/22 and my husband gave insurance the wrong date. Do you know how much insurance uses a birthday to identify a person and then how many other organizations use that date? Every time I call the ped I have to give her birthday and then say “but you have it under this date” because the ped gets their info from insurance, and then they use it on all the state forms 🥲
@allison55667 That sounds like an edge case with actual negative implications (i.e. very different from mentioning the wrong date in a conversation with a friend), but also why was your insurance company not verifying the birth date in some way? When we enrolled my daughter we had to send them a certificate of live birth
@willyt1562 I do too. Pandemic actually helped me as an anchor point. Oldest was born 2 years before (2018), middle was born in 2019, NOTHING HAPPENS IN 2020, youngest was born in 2021. lol
@keepitsimple144 My kids are 1/14/22 and 1/3/24. It’s only been 2 months but im constantly mixing up the dates and having to pause and think. My first was born at 7:55pm and was 8lb 11oz. My second was born at 7:32pm and was 8lb 8oz. They are so close I’m mixing up everything lmao
@keepitsimple144 My husband is horrific with dates. He knows my birthday and his mom’s. We had a debate while we were dating about whether Easter and Thanksgiving were on the same date every year. He generally can get an approximate but I have to confirm. He’s getting better and usually just asks for confirmation.
@easy813 This year is especially rough because our youngest’s birthday is three days before Easter. He was like wtf is with all the Amazon boxes?! Yeah because I have basically no turnaround this year!
@keepitsimple144 lol for a couple years I kept telling everyone my daughters birthday incorrectly. I am really bad with dates but I am no longer telling people the wrong date after my husband proved me wrong.
@keepitsimple144 This is so common. Before the first time we flew with the kids, my brother (frequent traveler) told my husband to not get the kids birthdays wrong. He said the airlines always ask the dads if they’re going to ask at all.
@keepitsimple144 I frequently second guess my kids’ birth year. They all share a birth day but different years. And sometimes I really have to think about it when I’m filling in a form. And I gave birth to all of them, lol.
@keepitsimple144 My child came out of me, and I take a minute to remember the year. I know the day and month. I know how old she is. I just forget the actual year she was born sometimes.
@keepitsimple144 I have dyslexia but with numbers. I forget numbers and always had trouble with math my whole life . I can't remember birthdays - I would forget every time without the calendar app in my phone