My baby is obsessed with watching me eat


New member
Anyone else? LO will be 5 months next week. I’m not planning g on starting solids until 6 months. But she stops everything and just stares at me!

I tried to eat an apple while nursing and every bite she’d stare and when I finished chewing she’d nurse. Then I take another bite she pulls off and stares. She cracks me up.
@antnf8900 My son would try to grab my spoon from me when he was 4-5 months old. He wanted food so bad. Then of course they start solids and actually do grab your spoon of food straight from your mouth 😂
@antnf8900 It’s really funny when they start copying your chewing motion even when they have no food!

LO thinks watching me brush my teeth is pretty great too.
@christian1724 Also not the commenter, but we have the banana and one that looks like a cactus. We started giving her the banana basically when she was able to hold things herself, somewhere between 2-3 months. The cactus is longer, so she would gag herself with it at first. She's good with it now though, at 5 months. No teeth yet. They're more like rubbery toothbrushes, I think they feel good on her gums.
@wearethechristiangems Same! My doc ok’d us for soft foods and reassured us if he got the other milestones (good neck control, sit up slightly unassisted, reaching for food) we were ok to start because nothing magically happens at the stroke of midnight of 6mo.
@wearethechristiangems Yep! Started solids at 4 months (with docs approval) after my cousin visited and pointed it out (she has three young kids). I didn’t want to believe it! I wasn’t ready for him to grow up! I had planned on 6 months too.

But he LOVES food. Almost a year and he’ll eat anything and ask for more. He’s tried all sorts of weird stuff (for a baby?) because he wants whatever we have. Like straight mustard he insisted on trying while I was making sandwiches. _:)/)_/
@antnf8900 Yes. At 11 months old we can't eat or drink water unless he gets some too. I'm a big snacker so I've started to just hide or sneakily take bites haha. I was under the impression this happened later in life (around 2) but I guess not!