If your Kid were a straight-A student but also skipped school 2-3 days a week, what would you do?

@godblessed777 Honestly I would try to redirect them into a trade or something. Are you the kid? What do you do when you skip school? Sit on your butt in front of the tv or computer? You need to go to class or be otherwise productive.

So many smart people just fly through high school and then the real world comes in and kicks their ass.

If this kid thinks the rest of their life will work this way they’re in for a bad time and it’s the parents job to get them a job or hobby or volunteering to make them learn some work ethic. I’ll be damned if my kid will be a 30 year old burnout living in my basement not contributing anything because they think they’re smarter than everyone else.
@godblessed777 Straight A’s for high school homework don’t mean anything. All it means is that you easily remember things and can regurgitate them on a test. When you get to a job where you have to show up or you don’t get paid you will not have a good reputation. Doing well in high school means nothing to how well you’re going to do in the real world.

The guy I dated in high school was like this, I thought he was so cool. Know where he is now? He’s a fucking loser. No work ethic, not a good reputation, still living off of mommy and daddy and we’re in our mid 30’s.

School was a struggle for me and it taught me how to be creative in how I learn and the time it takes to get jobs done. I make twice what most my friends do and work amazing hours now. It’s not about book smarts, it’s about learning how to be an effective part of society.

You wanna half ass it? That’s fine, but you’re probably going to have money problems in low level jobs forever.

And it’s not even about your work or money, the people who hustle with their hobbies or side gigs and put the work into something are the ones that have full lives, good friends, awesome adventures, all of it.
@godshurtchild11 100%. School is either really easy or really hard for kids and I get that, but ultimately the grades don’t mean a damn thing about how you’ll do in life. It’s the work and the time that really determines who a person is and what they’ll accomplish.
@godblessed777 It's very hard to break patterns that you have been doing for a long time. If you're skipping because you're bored in high school then you'll find yourself justifying skipping because you're bored in college and if your job isn't stimulating. You're not an exception.
@godblessed777 Then talk to your counselor and teachers about getting more challenging work. Skipping school and screwing up your education by getting held back or under court supervision for not going isn't the answer. Or bring a book to read.
@godblessed777 I did that in the late 80's. Got so bored I took a couple classes at community college. My kid is a senior now. She does a combo of virtual and in-person classes so she goes every other day to school and every other at home online. She is funnily enough, taking the class I teach at night at community college. So basically, work it out with your school and parents because there are probably programs that will let you do that.
@godblessed777 Are you talking about an education system where only the exam grades count? Attendance and homework don’t? Or the American system where it’s not possible to get As and in fact it’s illegal to be truant so much?
@godblessed777 2-3 days a week? You are telling me literally half the time he isn't where he should be I'd be upset. Not at the kid but at myself. Something is going on in school and as a parent to be unaware it's even happening is an issue. Is your child being picked on? Is there a teacher on that side of the week making their lives hell?