How did you know you were ready to send you kid to preschool if they didn’t HAVE to go?

@elinternational My son just missed the cut off for public pre-k by less than a week. We opted to send him part time to private pre-k for this year solely for the social aspect. Before school, he thought any kid who walked past him was his friend, and he cried when they walked away. That was our breaking point. He needed to be around kids his age.
@elinternational My girls will be 4 in the fall and we’re definitely sending them to preschool - for us it has a lot more to do with socialization and getting them used to the idea of school, and how to listen to teachers, and just generally what will be expected of them in kindergarten. It’s not about whether or not they’d know letters/numbers/etc or not
@elinternational I was originally going to start my kid in preschool at 2.5 very part time (two mornings a week, and I would be there one of the two days) at a coop preschool, mainly so she could spend more time with other kids and adults other than myself. Unfortunately Covid hit at that point and we cancelled it, so the next year at 3.5 we started her at 2 half days a week and quickly bumped up to 3 as she was thriving there. This year (4.5-5.5) she is doing 3 days a week 9-3, more than last year. In kindergarten next year she will be doing 9-3 5x a week and I don’t want that to come as a big shock to her. Especially since your kid is shy I would be starting to give him opportunities to practice asap, though probably not 4 days a week.

My kid is way ahead academically as well. The point of preschool for us was practicing social skills and conflict resolution, getting exposed to types of play I may not be doing at home, practice interacting with other adults, and practice being away from me and home. To this end I chose a play-based preschool that does not focus on academics. IMO this is the most age appropriate option as well, and academics are easily handled by me at home.

Kids really start to be able to play with other children around age 3 so I feel like this is the ideal time to start preschool. I want to do two years of preschool prior to kindergarten for both my girls, though only part time.

You mentioned the only good preschool you could find is 4 days a week. I am surprised as most play based preschools near me offer 2 and 3 day a week options, especially for kids aged 3! If that is the only good preschool could you sign up and just only send him 2 or 3 days a week, if you feel that is the right amount?
@elinternational So I sent all 4 of mine to some kind of preschool and each situation was slightly different, but I was happy with all of them. If you are planning on full day kindergarten, I highly recommend doing something before. It really helps with the transition. All of mine started in a part day situation around 3 or 4. As you said, it's just getting used to being there. A class full of kids with 2 adults is a lot different than the one on one reality they have been living. Even if they know all the "skills", just the environment is an adjustment. So go for it. It gives you a little adjusting space as well. Half way into the school year, with my youngest finally in full day school, and I'm still feeling at loose ends during the day sometimes.
@elinternational Keep him at home. He's doing great with a loving mother, and you can always sign him up for extracurriculars to learn something new. He's still so young, they just need a loving mama who will continue to teach and nurture them. Plus he's got a little sibling to play and help you with. The friends can come later! He'll be happier at home with you.

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