If your Kid were a straight-A student but also skipped school 2-3 days a week, what would you do?

@godblessed777 I would stop them because at a point they will fail due to missed days. Even if they are passing all test schools will hold kids back for to many missed days. Not to mention Truancy court could slap me with huge fines and them with juvi for to many missed days. They need to go to school end of discussion
@godblessed777 Then just suck it up butter cup and sit there.

Me as a parent I'd be livid if my kid decided to just not go to school several days a week. They would be in so much trouble it's not funny
@godblessed777 Oh you meant the trouble I'd give my kid not the legal trouble. There life at home would not be pleasant until they start going back to school everyday. They would have zero privileges , no phone, no TV, computer no going out with friends , they will be doing all the chores (dishes laundry, sweep mop anything I can think of. ) I will unplug the router take internet with me when I go to work. You want to cut school well you will have lots of work to do at home
@godblessed777 Large fines and possibly jail for parent if the kid miss a ton of school

Also kid might go to juvenile detention. The court can consider that ... delinquency and or unruly child if they are cutting that much school.
@godblessed777 There is always a way. And if truly there is nothing school allows to make your studies harder, you can challange yourself.

I used to be super bored earlier in school too and i much rather stay home than sit there listening teacher repeat some common sense 10 times 🙄 so i got myself busy. I started bringing extra notebook for writting (like creative writting) or higher level workbooks etc. So whenever teacher was explaining stuff i already understood or whenever i finished given exercice much faster than the given time, i would simply pull it out and do my own thing. Or do some art. Or finish homework given in previous class...basically profit this time to improve some skill or do something that will save me time by not having to do it when i come home.

I also draw notes and started memorising my guitar practice (without physicaly having guitar, like dry practice) or mentally going through dance routine for my dance practice, reading a book (i went through 8 books a day and pretty much turned around the whole library in my school years lol)...anything and everything to make myself not bored.

I missed a lot of days too but always for a justified reason - mostly health related.

There are definitely ways to combat boredom and i understand it is still shittier than being home and having full freedom BUT learning to function on that daily work schedule is important preparation for your future. If you skip it now, you WILL have hard time later on in life.
@ositez Depending on your school district there might not be better options. If it's a low income school they may not have AP classes and teachers might have over crowding so they can't take the time to give the kid more work. In come cases they can do something but not always.
@chris59 Okay, but your comment doesn't even suggest trying. Even if they didn't have better schooling options, people in this situation often are able to take college classes at whatever school is closest or get a scholarship to a private school.
@godblessed777 I would have a talk with them because they're obviously very bored with school and maybe they need accelerated learning.

My daughter started struggling in math one year. Went from being in advanced math to being bored out of her gourd and getting C's in her class work but A's on her tests. We had a talk and she explained that since her teacher went on maternity leave, the sub goes too slow and she struggles to pay attention. So, I talked to the substitute teacher who did say she's been daydreaming. And that if she can get 100's all week, she will let her study at her own pace instead of pay attention in lecture. That happened and she became a teacher's assistant until she finished the coursework and then went into the accelerated program to start the next grade's work. She's been a grade ahead since. This year, as a freshman, she's taking 2 classes reserved for sophomores.

If she started skipping, I'd talk to the school about skipping her a grade or doing student-led work so she could get everything done she needs and continue as she finishes the classes.

If she refused to challenge herself and just kept skipping, I'd install tracking on her phone and just have the police go pick her up and deliver her to the school. We are in a small town, though. I'd restrict all her social activities and put parental controls on her phone to lock it during school hours and after certain hours. Being smart doesn't dismiss her from her obligations. So, if she's not being challenged, then the school needs to challenge her. If they are and she's just being truant and too cool for her own good, I'd restrict her life.
@godblessed777 Then you're not being challenged enough. If you talk to your parents and your school counselor, they can come up w a plan for you. This is how some students graduate a semester or year early. Or they have classes with college credits they can give you in addition to what you're doing, so that when your school work is finished, you can leave the class and go to the other classroom and work on your college classes. That also gets you some experience with higher level classes and makes college cheaper and shorter for you.