Ideal baby jail setup


New member
Our girl is 5.5 months old and rolling all over the place and starting to try and get on her hands and knees in a crawling position. I am starting to think about our options for a playpen.

Our living room is on the smaller side, right now we have a pack n play in a little nook and we set her in there if we need to leave the room for a minute. Depending on her mood, she is sometimes happy to be in there with a couple small toys for 10-15 minutes, but I’m assuming that will become less interesting for her as she gets more mobile.

Our options are:

Swap out the pack n play for a small playpen in the nook — we could probably fit a 4ft x 3ft one there if I can find one, but it seems like most on Amazon in that size range are only 3ft by 3ft. I’m thinking that will probably seem a little cramped for her within a few months and she probably won’t be happy to hang in there for longer than maybe 5-1/0 minutes at a time? In this scenario, most of her playtime would still be supervised in the main part of our living room, outside the play pen.

Or, we could get a larger playpen and put it in the main part of our living room. We have about 6ft by 8.5ft total floor space, so I think we could fit in a 6ft by 4ft playpen and still be able to access the couch and back door. In this case, pretty much all of her play would take place in the playpen, and me or my husband would sit in the playpen with her during supervised play.

Obviously the use case is going to depend on her personality and willingness to play independently, but it would be great if we could leave her in the play pen for 1-2 20-30ish minute chunks per day. She’ll be starting daycare at 8 months old, so I’m mostly thinking that it would be helpful if we could have her in the playpen while getting ready for work, while prepping dinner (we’re not cooks, so this isn’t a long time, we do a lot of crockpot dump meals and leftovers), and for short periods on the weekends while doing certain chores we wouldn’t want her around for (like cleaning the bathroom).

Any thoughts on which set up would be best?
@eleader22 I’m a mom and a nanny. I have seen both set ups. The bigger pen is better for them not being bored and moving around a bit more. They get really mad at the little pen and it becomes like a 5-10 minute keep the baby safe thing, not an independent play thing.
@eleader22 I got a medium sized playpen on Amazon for mine. Husband can lay in it and there’s still room for her to walk around and play in her kitchen now that she’s older. I prefer this, toys aren’t all over my house, and as she’s grown older she eats her breakfast in there too. It’s easy to clean because I put those foam tiles in it.

She still has independent play in it every day and she’s good about it. We get in there with her as well. My only drawback is that she sticks her hands through the bars to share her snacks with our dog.
@eleader22 We’ve had one of those XL playpens since my son was probably 7 months (he’s 12 months now), and it’s truly the best thing ever. It takes up half of our living room, but it’s made parenting much easier, especially for those months where he was learning to stand/walk. We have just started to let him walk around the apartment, but that playpen is still a safe space to contain him when we need to. He has fallen SO many times in that thing learning to stand/walk, but it’s super padded with a cushion around it, so he’s never been hurt.

I feel like it helped him get strong really fast because he had those rings on the side and would do a million pull ups and squats every day 😂 it really has been his own personal gym. Also, the best part is I can sit or lay down inside and watch tv while he plays around me. He is super attached to me and always wants me close by, so that’s been a lifesaver. For months I just laid down with a pillow and let him climb over me.
@eleader22 With my second I built the baby gate around my sectional couch so I can still sit with them without always being on the floor. It was a fairly large area because of the extra space the couch gave it. It worked well when they are young and not able to climb, as soon as he could get on the couch the gate was useless and it was a free for all.
@eleader22 We got the bigger baby jail and it was great. We didn't usually lock the doors (zip the mesh gates) so it ended up being a padded play area for her. The unexpected advantage of it was toy containment. All her toys lived there and it was really easy to put them back in one place in the living room so even though it took up a lot of room, it made our spaces seem separated. we even put her toddler recliner in there.

Some of our friends commented it was like she had her own fancy little living room.

I'm in favor of it, but I was also so relieved when we donated it to goodwill after almost a year of use. I got so much space back! During its time with us though, it was a sanity saver.