I know the gender and my wife doesn't. How can I mess with her without actually revealing anything?


New member
I can keep a pretty strong poker face so I'm trying to come up with ways I can troll my wife about the gender since she's decided not to know it yet. So I've got about 4 months to F with her. Suggestions welcome.
@bornagain46 So we’re actually in the exact opposite scenario…

Early in the pregnancy, either of us knew the gender of our baby, my wife-to-be and I were discussing whether or not to find out. She wanted to know whereas I wanted it to be a surprise… ultimately I told her we can have it both ways. But she worried… “What if I let it slip out?”

I thought about it a bit and said “Easy… you’re going to slip eventually, so wake up some morning and CHOOSE to let it slip. Let it slip out with the truth OR let it slip with a lie. And then KEEP letting it slip again and again ALTERNATING each time.”

So that’s what she’s been doing. 😄

“Ooh, he just kicked!…. OORRRR she!” “Oh man, she’s havin a dance party in there… OOORRRR he!” “We need more girl clothes…. OOOORRRR BOY!” “I can’t wait to meet him… ORRRRR HER!”

It’s been fun. 😄 She’s happy cuz she can plan and it made things feel more “real” to her and I’m happy cuz I love the suspense. 😋
@survivalist That's amazing! There's too many people here who think they can understand someone else's relationship based on a few sentences. My wife is fun. We've been doing this stuff to each other for 15 years and loved it so much we got married and are having a child together. We're not teenagers pranking each other for tiktok views. We just like to play 🤷‍♂️
@bornagain46 Yeah, after going back n forth with the “I suggest not being a dick” guy, I looked at the account’s comment history and 100%, no doubt about it, it’s an intentional troll account. Don’t engage. Just block em and move on.

Congrats to you n the wife on the big news. And dammit, have fun with it. Life’s too short not to.
@bryant999 “A lot of people say, “What’s that?” It’s Pat!
A lot of people ask, “Who’s he? Or she?”
A ma’am or a sir, accept him or her
or whatever it might be.
It’s time for androgyny.
Here comes Pat!”
@bornagain46 Pull up a picture of a buoy (pronounced boy of course) on your phone while you’re both zoning out on your phones and say “I have something to tell you.. it’s a buoy” and then turn the phone around to show her the picture
@bornagain46 Start using or accumulating items of a particular color, blue or pink, for a month. Deny any connection. One day, switch entirely to the opposite color. Deny having any idea what she's talking about. Point out that the colors used to be pink for boys and blue for girls, and isn't that neat?
@bornagain46 Buy a bunch of blue and pink items to decorate the living room, then start taking them away at random. You can lean into one colour a little more for suspense and then take them all away before you get below 50%. Then the next week, do it again but lean towards the other colour.
@john2621 I too generally recommend not being a dick in life, and especially to your partner… but my wife-to-be and I are doing the EXACT same thing this guy seems to want to do (but opposite - she knows, I don’t), and we’ve actually been having a lot of fun with it.