I know the gender and my wife doesn't. How can I mess with her without actually revealing anything?

@bornagain46 Casually drop in conversations that "by the way it is a boy" "oh did I tell you it's a girl?" "You can tell by the way I'm speaking that it's a boy, can't you?" "I'm so excited to meet our little girl." Pretend you didn't mean to let it slip. The trick is you alternate saying boy/girl so half the time you're telling the truth but she will never know which.
@bornagain46 Don't. Just... don't. Pregnancy is really effing hard. Be your kindest, most compassionate, most loving self. Trust me on this one because what she's doing is incredible, painful, exhausting, emotionally distressing, and most of all something you simply cannot do. Just... don't.
@brokenstrings I'm fully aware of all that but we've also been best friends for over 15 years and we know how to be playful with one another without adding to the burden. It's not like I'm going to torture her or start a "prank" tiktok account. I guarantee she'd be doing the same thing if the roles were reversed. I'm just going to add a little suspense while I continue waiting on her hand and foot.
@johnlittleelm Because in marriage you know how your partner ticks. Sometimes if she doesn't want to know its because she enjoys the suspense so making her squirm is like flirting.
@bornagain46 Draw a penis on her forehead while she sleeps. When she wakes up tell her you want to go out to get food together. Do not let her look in the mirror. Tell her it’s nowhere fancy and her makeup looks great how it is.