Gender patterns?

@madphil Maybe you’re foreshadowing for me! I never thought I would have girls (not gender preference or anything, I just didn’t really see it), so the fact that I had three in a row is crazy! We’ve really exhausted our girls name list 😂
@daniel1986 I have B G B and due in August with B. Not sure if we will want more or not but I don’t think I will get another girl but I am glad I have at least one.
@daniel1986 B, B, G, G. I absolutely love our age gaps and genders. My boys are 23 months apart, then 3 year gap, finally girls are 26 months apart. They get along so well.

We now have 6 kids after gaining custody of some of my daughter’s friends so it would be B, B, G(bonus), G, G(bonus), G. I call them my bonus kids.
@baxter006 Props to you mama for taking in kiddos in need! Our gaps are pretty small:

B to G1 & G2 (twins) - 13 months

Twins to G4 - 22 months

The gap between G4 and baby #5 will be around 21 months
@bloodtype This is true and I’ve been telling my husband this for years lol. It’s not me making all the girls we keep having (but I’m not complaining, I don’t really care if we have boys or girls!)
@daniel1986 I have B, G, G, G, G and I’m expecting again! I’ll guess girl for you since that was my number 5! I can’t wait till delivery so we will find out in a couple months what we’re having!