J names- any gender!

@lebron623 I’m actually going with J names for my little ones too... don’t know why because neither I or my partner have J names but we liked it with out first so we are sticking with it.
Some names we have come up with are
I also like Jameson but both of us agreed against that and also juniper and jasper!!
@lebron623 I have a friend named Jori. I have no idea what it means--she was born in Hawaii, but have no idea if there's a connection to Hawaiian culture. I've never heard it before but it's pretty!
@lebron623 I don’t actually know! But I almost hired a female wedding photographer with the name, and my husband had a male student with it! Also it is the last name of his great aunt- pronounced jah-Kobe in all 3 cases.
@akinbodealli We've never met another one, my only complaint is every time I say it people say oh like the film, which wasn't what shes named after. June is a family name and my husband is big on his roman gods, tbh we only ever really call her June bc its shorter but the amount of people who either comment on thee film or think shes called June, Gina, Gino, Junior etc 🙄🤤
@servantleader My fiancé is Julian and I love his name (his mom named him after John Lennon’s son). It’s a wonderful name that ages well. You can spell it “Julien” too, which is more common in French.