I know the gender and my wife doesn't. How can I mess with her without actually revealing anything?

@survivalist Why cause I wouldn’t fuck around with my partner if they didn’t want to know the gender of the child? I can’t see how that’s a fun thing to do.

I simply don’t wake up in the morning and think how can I annoy my wife. It doesn’t enter my head

Obviously you do
@john2621 It's not really a prank. We don't really do that kind of stuff. But playful misdirection, absolutely. I married my best friend and we like to have fun. It's not that complicated.
@mamat1963 I have great fun with my spouse. She loves that I don’t troll her about things surprisingly enough. You all sound like a bunch on 12 year old kids out pulling girls hair in the playground. Grow up lads. What your doing isn’t fun for your partners. It’s childish. Learn to have some adult fun
@john2621 You really do sound like an angry teenager. Which would explain why all you comments are "grow up" and "you sound like you're 12". That seems to be the first line of defense for most angsty teenager reddit trolls. Best of luck to you and your totally real and not made up spouse.
@john2621 Not really? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. I'm making the point that different couples have different ways of enjoying themselves, so your commitment to criticizing this couple feels off-base. What point are you trying to make by repeating my words?
@john2621 Speak for yourself… sometimes it’s cool and fun to not be an uptight whiskey neat country clubber with a log up your ass! Judging by the number of down votes all of your comments are getting a lot of people don’t seem to agree with your sentiment. It’s cool that it works for you and your spouse but I promise you’re an anomaly. Most women get bored if you can’t keep them on their toes and tease them a little. Also inflating teasing to pulling hair is a pretty cute hyperbole to try and make a point.
@john2621 One out of how many comments dumbass. Obviously surface level everyone agrees don’t be a dick… it’s when you elaborated on what you meant is when you lose everybody.