Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?

@patric7olicoe Not everyone agrees with everything being "gender neutral" until a kid is old enough to say they are a boy or girl or nonbinary. Some people want to have a name picked out early- my kids first name was decided within an hour of getting the NIPT results. My kid was born with a penis, has a traditionally "boy" name, and I call my kid him, his, son, boy, etc. Just because I do that now when he is 2.5 doesn't mean we are enforcing gender role stereotypes down his throat. It doesnt mean I would be an asshole if my kid came to me at 5, 10, 15, or 20 and said "you need to use she/they/whatever kiddo wants when referring to me."
@asupersquirrel I did it and elected NOT to have them process it through insurance. For the company that ran my NIPT (Invitae) this meant we paid a flat fee of $99. We put it on our HSA card. Worth it for us!
@jadaley07 That seems very weird. I think you're always allowed to be "self-pay", you just then have to pay whatever the provider declares is their price. For me it wasn't something I "tried", it was just a box I checked on the online system: self-pay or provide insurance info.
@mikeross999 I’m no expert but I was told I could not select the “no insurance” option if I really did have insurance. My doctors office accidentally billed me as if I had no insurance and later they figured it out and I called and tried to get out of paying the higher bill. The person on the phone kept saying “but it will go toward your deductible.” Well I was young and healthy and had never actually reached my deductible in 5+ years so I didn’t want to pay the higher amount. Then she got stern and said “you can’t lie about having insurance. We have to go through it.” Just a warning !
@asupersquirrel Yes! This was me a couple weeks ago. I've not had it done for either of my boys and this will be our last. Since insurance covered it I said why not. Just found out today (13 weeks) it's a girl! I'm happy I know!...Now just have to figure out what to do with a girl.
@asupersquirrel Yes, do it! I did! The blood test is more accurate than an ultrasound so I could be confident I wasn't getting a surprise at birth. Also, I did admittedly have a little bit of gender disappointment so finding out so early gave me more time to adjust before the birth.

However, I did have issues with billing. They wanted like $2k after my OB told me it would be $99 and it was a whole ordeal so just look into that first!
@asupersquirrel The blood work was included in my genetic screening so I found out early on accident by reading my results lol but I definitely liked it because sometimes ultrasounds aren’t as accurate and the blood test is. My friend was told she was having a girl for months and then at 8 months pregnant found out she was actually having a boy and had to return a lot of things she had gotten/bought. I would’ve been happy with any gender, but knowing we’re having a little girl for so long has been nice especially for name decisions because we had more time. I’ve loved being able to call her by her name and talk to her this whole time 🥰❤️

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