Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?

@asupersquirrel If it’s in your budget and you want to know early, why not? I’ve never found out early and even done the wait until birth thing but that’s what I wanted. If you want to know now or yesterday then go for it!
@asupersquirrel My doctor used a company called Counsyl for NIPT. I requested it, because I wanted the reassurance of the possibilities of genetic abnormalities. Check out which company you want to use/your doctor recommends because many offer low cost to those who ask because they want people to get this testing done so they can show a need for it to the insurance companies. Counsyl had a program that if you called and could pay all at once, it was a flat $350 fee (not counting the fee to the lab for the blood draw.) They ended up asking me some income questions, and ended up writing mine off completely due to income level. Just paid the lab fees, which I was already paying due to other bloodwork done at the same time.
@asupersquirrel I've done the nipt with both kids. If you want to know the gender anyways and are covered by insurance/can pay out of pocket I say why not. With my first Kaiser lost results and it took a month to find out. With my second it was much smoother I got results in 5 days. We were able to pick out a name (well for one of them...) and build a registry before the 20 week scan. I loved it.
@asupersquirrel I did and am glad I did, because I had all these names for a girl and none for a boy. I needed months to figure out what I was going to name him.

I also had some gender disappointment - I wasn’t having another - and I appreciated being able to fully process that before the birth.
@asupersquirrel They did ultrasounds and stuff too! Super easy and fast. Its not the full genetic screening blood test but if all you want is the gender then I would recommend it! It sends you the results in an email. It was accurate for us 😊
@asupersquirrel If it’s free then sure. If you are worried about genetics then I guess why not. Would i worry about it if it costs an arm and a leg, no. But you do what makes you happy!
@asupersquirrel I had the NIPT test at 12 weeks with #3. It cost a small fortune and I wanted it done to check for chromosomal abnormalities, finding out the sex was just a bonus. I probably wouldn’t have done it just to find out the sex- but that’s just me. I know a lot of parents who only did it to know the sex as early as possible. For me it was good to know the sex was accurate- with an ultrasound there’s a small chance they could make a mistake. It wasn’t around when I had my older two so we had to wait for the 18 week ultrasound to find out the sex.
@asupersquirrel We did it with our second. It was super easy and quick plus, at the time my husband would not have been allowed in for the gener ultrasound. This way we found out at the same time at home.
@asupersquirrel We did it! Along with a full genetic panel, but it was also completely covered by our insurance. (We had already hit our deductible super early in the pregnancy.)
@asupersquirrel We didn’t do any of the blood tests and also skipped the ones doctors are required to inform you of in our state (CA). We got a lot of humor during the ultrasound out of guessing.

Husband: oooh I think I see it, is that the penis?
Tech: no, sir, that’s the leg.

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