@spookydawg77 Okay, let's take OP's case. There's already one ACE--separation of the kids' biological parents. A second ACE is the emotional abuse that she suspects is occurring with the kids directly. She stated that he is telling his kids that their mother is trying to get him put into jail, their mother is a wh***, and the other lies that she said he tells them in her post. Based on the agesof the kid, this may be making them feel afraid, unstable, etc. It's also manipulative. She said that he makes them feel uncomfortable. Think about it for a second...a 3 and a 6 year older should not be exposed to that. It is counterproductive to their development, which would take too long to describe in detail, but it affects a lot, including their emotional stability, attachment, etc. It is abuse. A third ACE would be the witnessing of domestic violence (which isn't always referring to physical violence). Their mother has a restraining order, and although it isn't clear from the post what led to the order, they aren't given out without reason, and chances are, if this guy is as off-his-rocker as he sounds, the kids have been exposed to domestic violence. In fact, when they hear him cursing out their mother over the phone, continually harassing her, and verbally abusing her (if they hear some of the continuous harassing calls that she mentioned), those things themselves are a form of domestic violence that they are witnessing. Three ACEs are enough to increase the likelihood of some significant impacts.
Yet, those are the only ones that we (may) know about from the post. Does this guy have a serious mental disorder? Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the worst that you can have. Is he bi polar? Severely depressed? Is this guy smoking weed continuously, drinking too much alcohol, etc? If those are present, we could be looking at 4 or 5 ACEs right there, which increases the likelihood of negative outcomes even more It's not hard for these dysfunctional parents to negatively impact their kids. In fact, it's quite common and I see it very, very often. A lot of people think that the " serious problems" are removed from their households, or are far away, or come in the scariest packages. However, these are common experiences for groups of children. They're everyday occurrences that are happening in real time, and closer to home than what some may think. In fact, in today's society, it more of an increasing norm for a brain (including adults) to be in a "state of survival" versus a relaxed state conducive for learning. Unhealthy parents harm... And something needs to be done about it.