At the point of wanting to burn my ring sling

@blessedj316 I loved loved loved my ring sling with both kids so I'm inclined to say keep trying BUT parents w 4 mo have more than enough to worry about without one specific carrier!

I'd recommend stashing it for now, not selling,bc there's NOTHING more convenient imo than a sling for a toddler's up and down and up and down. They can walk or be carried w/o your arms falling off or dealing with an entire stroller.
@blessedj316 I felt the same way when my baby was a newborn but like other commenters said, once he had good torso control and could grip with his legs around 6 months, it was great for a hip carry. I also stashed it until then, but now it's our go-to (baby is 10 months now). I found the tutorials on WildBird's Instagram Stories pretty helpful. Good luck!
@blessedj316 I would try a different fabric, something a bit more slippery. I have had some ring slings that I honestly hated, one was from hope and plum. My suggestion would be to try a silk one, either machine woven or handwoven. I bought a handwoven silk sling and I sold all my other ones. If the fabric is too grippy it’s impossible to feed through the rings and tighten.
@onangelwings It feels so taboo almost to not have a good experience with H&P bc everybody raves about them! I bought one because people said those ones were what made it click for them lol. The fabric is so gorgeous, but yeah I do think a silk would be so much easier
@blessedj316 For small frys I love this boppy comfort fit carrier. You can put the baby in the carrier and wrap the ends around the baby’s back so it’s more like a wrap but it’s still structured enough so you don’t have to wrap it a thousand times to get it right.
@blessedj316 They're great for toddlers, but I'm not even sure I'm going to try them with new baby before they can sit. Imho they're better as kind of a casual hip seat. I didn't really enjoyed them for naps with toddler neither.
@blessedj316 I love my ring sling so much I bought another (my dude is 3.5 months) BUT I have Oscha slings and the fabric is jacquard weaves that has a ton of heft and grip to it. I’ve looked at the hope and plum (and other light style ring slings) and they look so dang slippery to me.

this is the newest one I have and it’s perfect for my 13 lb boy. My other one is thicker and isn’t as nice for this stage but I’ll probably be switching to it as he gets heavier.
@tykesha I would say the hope and plum slings (at least the one I have) are more on the heftier/grippier side actually! I almost feel it’d be easier if slightly slippery to tighten the rails. I find the fabric is really thick and it gets pretty bunched up in the rings which is still something I’m working on. Hoping it gets better with time though and thank you for the rec! Those are gorgeous 😍

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