Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

@timbohemia Yes. I'm in UK and some of my family is in Australia, some of husband's family is in Norway. The Australians have met my 4yo on multiple occasions (them travelling). The Norwegians have not.

People have to be wiling to put effort in.
@bigskyguy76 As a parent of a sensitive baby who hates cars with a passion, I totally commiserate with you. It’s an extremely stressful environment for both of you, and a 90 min crying session is just awful. I would opt out as well. I like my grandma but my baby is my priority.
@bigskyguy76 My daughter was the exact same, and we didn’t go further than grocery runs for a long time. We never drove at night because she hated that even more. I remember squashing my boob over the side of the seat to nurse her just trying to calm her down. If your kid can’t travel, they can’t travel. That’s the way it is. Your family with just have to deal with it and come to you if they can :) Also, mine only stopped puking in the car once we were able to turn her seat around, unfortunately. Our way of travelling long distances at high speeds is relatively new in the grand scheme of our evolution. I just figure some babies’ bodies aren’t ready to handle it yet.

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