How much are you playing with your baby?

@coachlittlez23 Well since you downvoted you’re probably not ready to hear this, but yes, 1-1.5h wake windows are still very short, and the demands on you as “entertainer” are really just beginning. Sorry.

This doesn’t mean performing like a clown all day, but yes it does mean being engaged and participating in playing with your baby. Independent play is important, but in this smartphone/daycare dominated era, most parents sadly use it as a justification to ignore their baby and play on their phone. Baby will be fine in the long run, but will not keep pace with their developmental potential, particularly socially and verbally.
@danjor4jesus I think there’s a difference between engaging with my baby in activities and entertaining her. In this potato phase, it feels like I’m a performer, holding up contrast cards, dancing and singing for her, showing her all the things around my house. Once she’s more developed and can not only engage in her own exploration but actually engage with me, I’m looking forward to that.

ETA because I’m feeling defensive- I’m engaged with my baby most of her wake window currently. I was crowdsourcing permission to do less because this phase of engagement is tough when there isn’t a lot of reciprocity.
@coachlittlez23 Not sure what this other person is on about, but your own mental health and life balance is important, too. Yes, it is tiring and exhausting, but you're allowed some time for yourself, too. It sounds like you are doing such a great job right now. You can also do a good job letting her explore on her own. My son would spend 15-20 minutes at a time looking at the toys on the playmat. He loved being in his swing and listening to the music it played, too.

Everything is a balance, and sometimes working out the balance is hard too. Keep your head up, and take care of you, too.
@danjor4jesus Sorry but do you have any experience parenting a child older than a very young baby? Because I do and you're incorrect, it does honestly get easier as they can stay awake longer, because that means they're more mature and able to engage both socially and with toys. Not sure why you're trying to make OP feel like shit as if you know for a fact her life is only going to get harder from here, because from a quick look at your profile it seems like you're also a first time parent to a new baby.