@coachlittlez23 We have a little routine.
6AM Wake up
Eat, “Help me/hubby” cook, Hangout with dad before work
Nap #1 ≈30 minutes
Eat, Go for a walk, Eat (to rehydrate lol)
Nap #2 ≈45-60 minutes
Eat, Tummy time or play time, Bath time
Nap #3 so variable
Eat, Books, Conversation, Tummy time, Etc.
Nap #4
Eat, Yay!! Dads home!!, Hangout with dad
Nap #5 1 hour
Eat, Chill family time, attempt to put to sleep around 7-8PM
I feel like I don’t do enough play time with LO because his wake windows are so short but I do my best to prioritize outside time, tummy time, and bath time. He thrives when we do these activities daily. I do feel guilty though, like I’m not being a good mom because I can’t fit everything into one day.