How much are you playing with your baby?

@coachlittlez23 I have a 3 month old. He is most chill in the mornings so I usually lay him in the piano gym. He will chill there for 15-20min before getting bored. Then I move him to his chair and put something in his hands to hold or chew on- literally even a burp cloth will keep him occupied. This way I can get some morning chores done and fix breakfast!

I do love to hold and play with baby but not the entire wake window. 😂
@coachlittlez23 It's okay to let them be bored, I read it helps them learn to entertain themselves. My son has been in crib for the past hour and it talking to himself while playing with his blanket or handed down pony barely stuffed toy and watching his mobile...and he's fine...maybe a little bored but it helps me work
@coachlittlez23 Your baby will very likely be entertained by watching you do whatever you need to do around the house lol. Whether it’s while she is doing tummy time or a bouncer.

And your husband is right, even if she does not seem entertained to you, she is taking in everything she is seeing/feeling/hearing. She will definitely let you know if she’s not enjoying something!
@coachlittlez23 It's healthy for your baby to be left alone on the mat with their toys to help them figure out initiation of play on their own at times. You don't have to entertain all the time. Give your baby time to explore their independence on the floor too. Babies also just simply enjoy watching you complete basic tasks such as folding laundry, dishes, cooking, showering, make up, hair brushing, checking the mail, sorting mail, yoga, etc. the tasks are mundane to us because we've seen and done them all over and over but everything is fresh and new and interesting to their young developing eyes and minds.
@coachlittlez23 I spend a lot of time with my little one because I’m a SAHM. I do engage a lot based on cognitive, physical and communication play. However, I try to let her play on her own for as long as she allows. As early as four months I would give her Tupperware, blocks, plastic bowls, toys and anything she could play with. My baby benefitted from this time, I observed her get frustrated trying to reach, play and handle the objects.

I could tell this was crucial for her development.
@coachlittlez23 I usually leave him under the play gym while i need to get things done. I put his crinkle paper toys under his feet or on his chest and he'll go ham for a while. If he gets tired of that, i'll put him in his bouncy seat so he can se me. He's 17w today so he can't sit up yet, but sometimes he just desperately wants to be a part of things so I have to keep him as close as possible. Other times I'll read to him the book i'm currently reading while he sits on my lap and looks around. Or we just sit on the couch together and "talk". He does like going for walks and when we go to the store together and he's awake, i use him as my inner monologue sounding board, telling him what we need to buy, what they're out of, what i think would taste good. He also likes peek a boo.
@coachlittlez23 I found that the 3 month stage was kinda hard. They aren’t quite ready to entertain themselves for long periods yet. And there’s only so much you can do to entertain a 3 month old. On top of that my baby wasn’t taking naps very well and we really had to work on a routine which paid off. But my saving grace was the piano mat.
@coachlittlez23 Maybe take the baby to a walk and let the baby see and hear the outside world! We do that and our 3 month sleeps very well when we do that for about 15 min a day. I mean, we do all you do like the cards and songs, but they have a very short attention span... get bored and star to look blankly to the wall after a while.

You are doing good! when the baby starts to say words maybe you can try other speech stimulation maybe, for now you are fine!
@coachlittlez23 Also have a 3m old. First wake window of the day I do all of that traditional play that you mentioned after that it’s all about keeping him engaged in mommy’s things. Grocery runs, listening to birds on a nature walk, listening to my political takes while I watch the local news, video chatting family overseas (the only screen time he is allowed). I’m also one of those annoying people who talk all the time so that helps I guess. But even then sometimes I just lay him down somewhere comfy and let him stare at me while I do what I need to do. It’s okay for them to be bored. Constant stimulation is absolutely not needed.
@coachlittlez23 Honestly, it was really hard for me to juggle everything until my baby was 4 months. I was kind of in your position. Just try to keep your sanity. Tall to them, tell them what you're doing whole you're doing it (we're going in the bathroom, going to cook xyz, get so-so from school). My baby loved dancing too so now we do it all the time and it definitely shows me how out of shape I am while bopping around with a almost 20lb baby. Outside is also super fun with everything finally blooming. Hang in there! You got this! You're doing great mama ❤️
@coachlittlez23 I have a six month old and we play all day except when she’s napping. We don’t do tv time so we do puzzles, play with water, toys, tummy time, read books, go on walks, she has an outside swing, and she helps me clean while I baby wear her. She literally is just a mini me. She does everything I do. It can be very repetitive but keeping her on a schedule is important to me.
@coachlittlez23 It sounds to me like you’re doing perfectly fine. They NEED alone time to process the world around them. We also need to be able to carry on with our lives after motherhood. I often put my baby in her baby Bjorne bouncer or high chair in the kitchen while I cook or do dishes. She just happily watches me while I work. I also will talk to her or tell her what I’m doing. I don’t necessarily talk all day long, but when it makes sense.
@coachlittlez23 I have a 4 month old and we do tummy time and go for walks everyday. If I get tired of entertaining him and need a break I’ll put him in his swing and put on some dancing fruit and he’s good for awhile that way I can get a few things done around the house and scroll and TikTok and such