guys just one last time


New member
so me and my girlfriend had sex on 22nd jan.
her December periods were 11-15
and January periods were 7-11
we had unprotected sex , just did the withdrawal method and cummed away from the vagina a minute later.
her period was due on 3rd but we didn't see any blood till 8th feb.
she bled for like 2-3 days v less flow, sometimes not even a flow, we thought it was implantation bleeding and we still doesn't know what it was cuz it had symptoms of both a period and implantation bleeding.
we did a pregnancy test on 13th feb ( 22nd day after sex)
it came out negative ( urine pregnancy test)
now is she actually negative or should i get more tests??

what if the bleeding that happened on 8th feb was implantation bleeding and it was too early for the test to detect beta hcg?
but i think implantation bleeding happened just 6-8 days after sex.

but now that it's negative , then should i count this as her period?
cuz generally it lasts for 4-4.5 days but this time just 2-3 only with not much flow too and was sometimes reddish and sometimes brown
@coffee1066 Implantation bleeding isn’t real, read the automod. A test is accurate 2 weeks after sec and definitive after 3. She’s not pregnant. Wear a condom next time.
@coffee1066 hey my periods were like that also and i had protected sex (condom + pullout), my pregnancy test after 21 days of sex was also negative. im still sooooo anxious just like you