I’ve got a good one for you guys…“Daddy what’s this sticky stuff?”

@temre Those things are super Sus. They have the bare metal wires exposed directly to the water inside and the only reason you don't get electrocuted is because the wire is less resistance than the stream of water. If they burn out you can get fried.

Id install an in line instantaneous heater on the wall or something, would never use one of those and they may not even be legal in many countries.
@temre It's just one of those things hey. And I watched a video on them by Electroboom who likes to make electronics do bad things and after that it was just a hard no from me haha
@sowhatwithit Seriously. The watts recirculating system was a game changer. Installs on the water heater and under the sink. Went from 2-3 minutes to ~20 seconds (shower is slightly further than sink).
@j2310lime Well, then I invite you super dad to just move on, because the rest of us aren't saving our kids from asteroids, were just trying to survive and be better.
@j2310lime You think dealing with your child’s shit in the middle of the night is the bare minimum?

Rolling over and going back to sleep is the bare minimum, or pawning the child off into the partner.

This dude managed the situation, yeah maybe he could have kept calmer but that doesn’t affect how good of a dad he is
@j2310lime What part of this isn't keeping a cool head? Moving quickly and keeping a cool head are NOT mutually exclusive. Maybe not blasting the kid with light could have been better, but I don't understand this comment otherwise.

You saying a champion would let the kid stew in their feces while they calmly build a thorough plan of approach? What about the gag reflex complication? What if the kid starts rubbing their eyes or god forbid their mouth? Seems like OP kept a cool head to me
@sowhatwithit LPT: I did this all the time for my daughter (she used to wet the bed), and whenever my son was sick.

Put a waterproof cover on the mattress. Make the bed with sheets and a blanket. Put another waterproof mattress cover over the made bed. Make the bed again, over the waterproof mattress cover.

Now, when something happens during the night, you just pull off the top layer and PRESTO, you have a perfectly clean bed ready to be slept in!

No autographs, please.
@tewingveale We have 4 layers of waterproof mattress cover + sheet in our little guy's crib (10 months). Some weeks he pees through the diaper a couple nights in a row, so we just do the presto change-o every morning lol