I’ve got a good one for you guys…“Daddy what’s this sticky stuff?”

@sowhatwithit My daughter once at about a year and half old walked up to me while I was playing some FFXIV and said, "Look Daddy a big one!"

"A big what honey," I said, holding my hand out instinctively. Something slimy smushed into my hand, her little hands let go happily.

"See, a big ole one!" she proudly reiterated. I trembled a glance to my left - hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Expectations have a pension for becoming reality around here.

Sitting there dripping from my outstretched hand was what had once been an enormous, solid turd that had no business coming from a body that size. Now, however, it dripped - splattering little droplets down my hand an onto the floor. The girls diaper was off an stained brown half-way across the room yet a trail of turd drips traced my daughters path to the bathroom.

She had pooped in her diaper and decided to remove said poop from said diaper for relocation to the toilet she had been training to use - like a big girl. Full of pride, that little girl then removed the same mountainous turd- now soaking wet - from the toilet to show off its size and her ability to, "Poop in the bathroom,".

I was booted from my FFXIV raid party for inactivity that day.
@sowhatwithit I'm glad my son is not a fan of actual poop. He had a blowout when he was 2 and it was 2am. Shit all up his back and on his pillow but thankfully not his face. He got up, walked to his gate and called for me.

Stripped everything off onto the bed, gathered it all up in a ball and threw it in the wash. Gave his back and quick rinse and all was right as rain.

Next night same thing. He had the same stomach bug I had, lol. Poop, puke, and wet crackers. My 3 least favourite things to deal with.

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