Gender Reveal


New member
Trying to get a gauge here. Did y’all wait for the birth to find out gender or did y’all do a reveal or have the doctor tell you?

Wife is gung-ho on not finding out until delivery and I’m starting to think I’m onboard with waiting too.
@randypnw We found out at the anatomy scan. Finding out helped me begin to bond with baby. Knowing his name and picturing his future made this all more real for us.
@kathyb Yep same here, we wanted that bit more information about the baby. I can totally see that some people would prefer the surprise, but we've had so many on the road to getting pregnant that we wanted a bit of certainty.
@randypnw If you both want to wait then wait. We found out with NIPT both times. There’s no wrong answer (besides doing a gender reveal that results in bodily injury or property damage).
@randypnw My wife didn't want to know (primarily so that she didn't have to deal with pushy or stupid questions about it from family and friends while she was pregnant. I did want to know so that I could feel closer to the baby during the pregnancy. Kind of a, "I don't know anything about this kid yet, may as well know something."

I found our at the second ultrasound and my wife found out at birth. Both of us were happy with our decisions but she said if we were to do it again she'd like us both to know and to just tell everyone we didn't find out.
@randypnw We waited and it’s hard to replicate that feeling of “wow that is my son!” I get why people found out, but for us, I loved not knowing until he was here. We already agreed for our next baby we won’t find out

We also didn’t tell anyone names. Drove my family nuts haha
@randypnw We wanted a surprise and had gone almost the whole pregnancy but the ultrasound tech accidentally let it slip when I was getting a check at 36 weeks! It was not a big deal hubby and I were excited still but keeping it secret from the rest of the family since then has been hard. Hopefully I deliver soon before the secret eats me alive!
@randypnw We found out the sex and my wife wore a blue shirt under a coat and removed the coat once everyone had gathered.

Pretty boring stuff for that announcement, but for her side of the family overseas, we threw a big party and had the cake centre be blue. Made everyone choose pink or blue beforehand, got them to wear their colour or choice, then divided them up and had team games. Everyone loved it and had a grand old time.