Gender patterns?


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I have 4 kids (currently pregnant with my 5th). I always find it fascinating with families that have lots of kids what genders came in what order. I have B,G,G,G. No idea what Baby #5 is, but we’ll find out at delivery. What about you guys?
@daniel1986 I have B, G and pregnant now with third! Not sure on gender yet. Hoping for a G! Doesn’t seem to happen very often? looks like it’s alot of B,G,B lol
@daniel1986 I think you'll like this one! I have a friend, we met when we were pregnant with our seconds. she's having her 5th, but has also done 4 surrogacy babies. It's been fascinating watching because she has gone:

Gbgb(s)g(s) b g(s)b(s) and is now pregnant with a little girl to add to their family! So even in their kids, they have gbgbg!

My own family is bioson, bio they/he (f at birth), step daughter, step son, step daughter, step son, step son, step son.

Maybe we'll get a girl if we can manage to have one 🤷🏼‍♀️ 7-3, when you include me and SO, doesn't seem fair 🤣
@daniel1986 BBGG for us! Our 4th arrives in Aug and will be our largest age gap 😅 at 27 months! The others are 25 and 21 month gaps. It’s a wild ride and there are days where I question my sanity, but I love them and wouldn’t change it for the world.
@daniel1986 My dad’s siblings: GBGGBB

My mom is an only

My FIL siblings: BBB

My MIL siblings: GBGBG

My siblings: GG

My husband’s siblings: BBB

Us so far: GB and pregnant with 3rd but not finding out gender (my gut instinct is girl and i was right for the first 2 so we’ll see!)