D&E Update: Feeling just fine now, chilling at home. Honestly, I already feel a good bit better than I have in weeks. The procedure was really not fun, but it was quick. I definitely felt a fair amount of pain, and it was annoying, because when I was obviously uncomfortable it made the doc want to stop...but the pain was never totally unbearable and I wanted her to make sure that she got everything out that needed to come out.
I was instructed to take Cytotec this morning (same medication that induced my labor with Ethan and which is often used to induce miscarriage or abortion) which would soften up my cervix and get things moving. I also got a Toradol injection to help with the pain a half-hour before the procedure. I was then led back into the exam room and we got the party started. As soon as the doc started, there it was - likely the offending piece of tissue, probably loosened up by the cytotec, on its way out. TMI: She let me see it, and it was gross. Probably between 1-2 inches long, about the size of a walnut. It's being sent to pathology so we can see what type of tissue it is. There were a few other things up there that she felt like cleaning out, so we kept going. I will say: numbing agent on my cervix didn't feel good. The vacuum machine and the curette did not feel good...but it was manageable. Lots of sharp pokes and some bad cramping while things were getting scraped/sucked out. Honestly, my HSG felt way, way worse, and I was expecting that level of pain again, so ultimately I was OK. I think Colin was more anxious than I was. Colin held my hand the whole time. Being a little loopy from a higher dose of Ativan (I took one when I woke up, and two more on the way to the doctor's office) helped a bunch, too. Once the doc was satisfied that she's gotten everything she needed to, my cramping immediately ceased and I honestly felt just fine.
Now I'm chilling here on the couch at home, feeling good and just keeping an eye on my bleeding, which is already drastically different from what it was before and really manageable. I feel no cramping at all right now, although that could be the Tordaol still doing its thing.
Truly hoping that the rest of my life starts today. We got sent immediately over to the MFM practice nextdoor to make an appointment for a consult with them in early December, and I'll call tomorrow back over to the fertility docs to ask about another consult with them in the new year so we can see what their plan will be for helping us try again. I really am finally starting to feel optimistic that THIS IS OVER. That could still be the Ativan talking, though...
Thanks for all the good vibes and support.
I was instructed to take Cytotec this morning (same medication that induced my labor with Ethan and which is often used to induce miscarriage or abortion) which would soften up my cervix and get things moving. I also got a Toradol injection to help with the pain a half-hour before the procedure. I was then led back into the exam room and we got the party started. As soon as the doc started, there it was - likely the offending piece of tissue, probably loosened up by the cytotec, on its way out. TMI: She let me see it, and it was gross. Probably between 1-2 inches long, about the size of a walnut. It's being sent to pathology so we can see what type of tissue it is. There were a few other things up there that she felt like cleaning out, so we kept going. I will say: numbing agent on my cervix didn't feel good. The vacuum machine and the curette did not feel good...but it was manageable. Lots of sharp pokes and some bad cramping while things were getting scraped/sucked out. Honestly, my HSG felt way, way worse, and I was expecting that level of pain again, so ultimately I was OK. I think Colin was more anxious than I was. Colin held my hand the whole time. Being a little loopy from a higher dose of Ativan (I took one when I woke up, and two more on the way to the doctor's office) helped a bunch, too. Once the doc was satisfied that she's gotten everything she needed to, my cramping immediately ceased and I honestly felt just fine.
Now I'm chilling here on the couch at home, feeling good and just keeping an eye on my bleeding, which is already drastically different from what it was before and really manageable. I feel no cramping at all right now, although that could be the Tordaol still doing its thing.
Truly hoping that the rest of my life starts today. We got sent immediately over to the MFM practice nextdoor to make an appointment for a consult with them in early December, and I'll call tomorrow back over to the fertility docs to ask about another consult with them in the new year so we can see what their plan will be for helping us try again. I really am finally starting to feel optimistic that THIS IS OVER. That could still be the Ativan talking, though...
Thanks for all the good vibes and support.