Can't Get My Wife Off of Her D*mn Phone


New member
Just need to vent. I'm a WFH Dad, married to a SAHM. We have a 5yo, 2yo and one due in a couple months. Homeschooling the 5yo.

She was in the workforce pre-kids. But she wanted to be a SAHM. My earning potential is 3-5x hers because of our diff fields, and I laid a solid financial base before we had kids, so it was no big deal for me to have her leave the workforce.

I think I do a decent job sharing the mental load. She definitely handles the majority, but I'm participative and not an additional child. I do 100% of dishes, 90% of laundry, bulk of the cleaning, prob 30-50% of food prep. I know most of the likes/dislikes, and all the medical/allergies stuff. She regularly expresses appreciation for what I do.

My trigger is phones/screens. We are low screens with our kids, we're in agreement on that.

But I think we need to be good role models of screens now bc one day our kids will have phones, and how addicted we are will affect how our kids interact with them.

When it's just my wife and I, we'll just mutually agree to zone out on our phones. Whatever, I'm good with that. When I'm on deck with the kids, I struggle, but I'm mindful to be present and try to keep it out of my hands and away from my face so that I intentionally engage with them more.

When my wife is on deck (admittedly the majority of the time), she is glued to her phone at the table for meals, on the couch doing school (like in between lessons, she pauses and unpauses her video as 5 interrupts that she's done), while they free play. And when she's so distracted, they come and interrupt my work more.

Admittedly, she's had a rough pregnancy. She's uncomfortable, and on a prior convo where I broached my concern about the phone use, she's said that she intentionally dissociates to take her mind off of the pain.

But I'm so sick of having such a messy and unkempt house that she's surprised about bc her face was in her phone while our 2yo made another mess. I think I could handle the mess a little better if I wasn't the one constantly finding these things (and in plain sight, in the kitchen, not like hidden in his room).

She's very sensitive and reactive to this topic, so I pick my battles. I've tried to be very gentle, respectful, non-accusatory, using "I feel..." statements.

I just hate this. She wants to have more kids, or at least wait a year or two before we make the decision to have another. I'm just ready to call it, finding a less-blunt way to say "if this life is so boring to you that you are so frequently checked out, I'm getting snipped."

Thanks for letting me vent guys. Just typing this all out helped.
@joanthompson imo the kid should be in school regardless, i generally don't trust homeschooling unless the parents fully know what they're doing and the kid will be guaranteed to be at the same level as or higher than their peers
@katrina2017 Their average peers are unable to perform math or reading at a grade proficient level. So being at the same level is not a hard bar to hit. I do not understand the general distrust when homeschoolers outperform both public and private school students.
@artistforet it’s because the quality of education is a wild card ; good teacher-parents will teach their kids stuff way beyond kids their age but bad teacher-parents will indoctrinate their kids into whatever worldview they have

public/private education guarantees some level of protection from the latter case
@katrina2017 I’ve met very very few homeschoolers that are behind their peers.

I’ve met many that are far more educated than their peers, at least in terms of academics.
@scaredvvv My sister homeschools her kids, so it's all I can go off. They are great, very confident and social, do loads of "afterschool" club type things, some even competing nationally and internationally. Was definitely a good idea for them. People in this thread who are point blank "home school bad" need yo open their mind a bit.
@tobyharba Venting is certainly a necessary and helpful part of life. Glad putting it out there helped.

Take it or leave it, of course, but...

Admittedly, she's had a rough pregnancy. She's uncomfortable, and on a prior convo where I broached my concern about the phone use, she's said that she intentionally dissociates to take her mind off of the pain.

I think it may be important to really hone in on this. She's not doing this to you or anything -- and I know that may not really change how you feel -- but it might be helpful to keep front of mind. Pregnancy seems hard; haven't tried it myself, couldn't try it myself, wouldn't if I had the option. What ladies go through to bring kiddos into this world is nothing short of Herculean as it is "normal"; finding a coping mechanism as harmless as this seems... reasonable, albeit frustrating.

Maybe just have the kid that you two are pregnant with (congratulations!), try not to make any promises of a larger family, and go from there? It's okay for plans to change and if this is hard for either of you it's okay for perspectives, tolerances, and goals to evolve. Equally and without judgment -- why homeschooling? A structured education off-site could plausibly provide (in my mind, that is) a break for you two aside from any other topics that might be attached to public school.

Regardless, hugs buddy. Hoping that you two are able to find some comfort and happiness.