My wife don’t want to get kids any longer

@neo1314 She told you that you should take the decision. You should just be assertive and say something in the lines of "my love, I want to have children with you and I believe we should not postpone it any longer. I truly believe you will start to like the idea along the way and make a great mother. Can we start trying today? If not today, when would you prefer to have this conversation again?"
@oralia She did tell him to take command and make the decision. Maybe the weight of the decision is not something she feels ready to deal with at the moment, and OP has earned enough of her trust to be trusted with this decision
@peaceful%C2%A0dove Maybe.

Or maybe this is a bigger conversation than the two of us can solve from 1 1/4 paragraphs of a description on a Reddit post where OP pretty much acknowledges that OPs wife is wishy washy at best and against at worst having kids, which conflicts with OP’s hopes for the future, creating a very complicated and difficult to navigate dynamic of self fulfilling and people pleasing desires involving lifelong and life changing commitments.

Genuinely not shitting on your opinion, just playing devils advocate for “we shouldn’t be offering couples therapy based on less than a dozen sentences”