breastfeeding 2 day old

@quangqui007 Keep latching, don’t stop. Your milk will come in in a couple of days. If you need to, you can pump after latching baby, but I just suggest that you keep latching him as much as you can.
@quangqui007 Milk didn’t come in till Day 4. Feeding and pumping to help bring in milk. Bubs blood sugar dropped so we supplemented with formula. 14 weeks later and he is EBF! You got this!!
@quangqui007 Feed constantly every two hours. Even if you are doing formula, every two hours baby stays on the breast for at least 5-10 minutes trying to establish day 3-4 your supply will come in
@quangqui007 Honestly, they say feed every 2 hours, but baby practically needs to be on your breast until milk comes in. Not like EVERY second obviously. Take care of you, too. But definitely more often than every 2 hours.
@quangqui007 Bring to breast as often as you can. It WILL get exhausting. When I couldn’t take it anymore I offered formula every few feeds for like a day until my milk arrived.
@quangqui007 Keep feeding and as long as you have good diaper output you’re feeding them enough. My baby literally was latched into me 24/7 if he could smell me. The nurse said that it was normal. If I wasn’t in the room with him he was perfectly content. My milk didn’t come in until day 4 or 5 but he still doubled his birth weight by month 2 even though he dropped a lot that first week
@quangqui007 Your baby has the instinctual drive to nurse repeatedly until your milk comes in —> that is what makes your milk come in. Put baby to breast as much as possible and as much skin to skin as possible is the only other research based way to get your milk to come in that I could find. Hang in there, I know it’s rough at the beginning!!!
@quangqui007 This was me and my baby had his first pediatric appt on day 2. For those 2 days I had been giving him breast every hour or even every 20 mins it felt like. He screamed and screamed until he would sleep. At his appt they weighed him and he lost 12% body weight and the dr very nicely gave us 12 infant Similac bottles. I cried. I felt terrible horrible awful. All the words. She said to offer him breasts first, feed him 1 oz from the Similac, then pump, feed him that. She said it could take up to 5 days for my milk to come in which it did. I didn’t get milk until Friday (I had him Sunday).

I so did not want to give him formula. I wanted everything to work out the way books said it was but we were both so tired. After he gained back weight and my milk came in, we were good to go and didn’t need to supplement and I didn’t even pump. I really can’t stand pumping. Did not necessarily get “easier” until about 7 weeks
@quangqui007 The nonstop feeding is your baby “putting in their order.” They are telling your body that they want milk! Those first few days are tough physically and mentally. You got this, your body is doing exactly what it’s supposed to!
@quangqui007 I hemorrhaged significantly with #1 and my milk took 8-9 days to come in. Ended up with an oversupply and breastfed until he was 14 months old and self-weaned.

Had a “smaller” hemorrhage this time and milk came in on day 4.

Your life for the first week of their life is just having a barnacle on your breasts. As much as you can, stay in bed, topless, with baby in just a diaper. When you need to pass out, hand baby off. Otherwise, just look lovingly at the amazing creature you just grew and birthed, and work on getting baby to have a good latch so your nipples can make it through this phase. Oh, and drink a ton of water.

Congratulations on your two-day old! Welcome to the club.
@msmat Colostrum and formula. I was nursing or pumping all day and night for like two weeks, it was awful. We had to supplement with that special hospital ready-to-feed formula starting on day two or three, for a week or two, because he got severely jaundiced. Formula increases their liquid intake, which helps flush the liver faster. Between that and the bili blanket, he got better in about a week.

I just didn't want to scare OP by sharing all that in my post.
@quangqui007 My milk came in on day three. I let baby latch whenever I got a hint that they wanted to, I was clocking 6-8 hours a day for the first 3 weeks. Keep doing what you’re doing, baby on the boob, snacks at hand and a good series on tv. Don’t forget to drink loads of water, especially if you’re having to take laxatives after a section etc.

Also, not sure if this is the norm because I’m a FTM but…my milk came in after I had a 30 min nap. My breasts in the morning were their usually chill selves but come the afternoon they had gone rock hard and about 3x normal size. I’ll never forget shouting at my mum and husband to help as I’m spraying milk in 2 different directions practically milk boarding my baby. It was an experience.
@ucdavis thank you. the second portion of this response is hilarious. i was going to ask that next is it rock hard boobs out of NOWHERE? or do we slowly work into the milk boobs???
@quangqui007 Well, when I was in the hospital (I was there for a week) by day 2, they began giving my baby donor milk because mine hadn't come in. But right after my milk came in...

I think you should call your pediatrician. Let them know what's going on...