breastfeeding 2 day old

@quangqui007 It can take 3-5 days for milk to come in so you are likely almost there! In the meantime … just feed on demand as long as weight is looking good then they are ok!
@quangqui007 When I was worried about baby's latch in those first few days, the nurses at the hospital had me hand express a bead of colostrum and then while it was still on my nipple, place my nipple into the baby's mouth - this brought nice peace of mind that she was actually getting some! I don't remember the exact number, but I feel like they said to do like ~10 drops each feed like this?
@quangqui007 My baby was born Friday morning and my milk came in Sunday evening but from what I have heard it is normal for it to take longer as well. I just kept feeding him every 2-3 hours even if it didn’t feel like he was getting anything. I definitely knew it once my milk was in lol my boobs were rocks all of a sudden
@quangqui007 My son has been a feral hungry beast since day one, with several streaks of cluster feeding. It’s totally normal! My milk came in maybe 3 days after birth, and he ate colostrum very frequently until then. He was a peanut at birth (6lb 5oz, and left the hospital at 6lb) but gained 3 pounds his first month!

It’s nervewracking for sure in the early days, it’s so hard to know what they’re getting. Stick with it, baby is likely getting everything they need right now. You can check their weight at his first pediatrician appointment (should be shortly after birth) to make sure they’re on track!
@quangqui007 I used kendamil formula , it was too much weight loss, ended up pumping colostrum and milk came in. EBF. I was scared of using formula cause I thought it would effect my chances being EBF but it didn’t so if you feel like you need to do that don’t worry. Feed the baby.
@quangqui007 Are you sure you’re even making colostrum? I didn’t make colostrum until day 5… it was nuts. Baby was very ill due to me withholding nutrition. Not making milk isn’t withholding nutrition… but withholding what is actually available IS withholding nutrition.
THREE lactation consultants told me baby was getting enough, but he started becoming unresponsive by day 3, and with dehydrated skin (not the same and newborn flakes) that lost elasticity.

You can give like 10ml of formula because you NEED to rest, taking a break from having baby LITERALLY on the breast for an hour or two will not harm your milk coming in. Think of it like a teenty tiny snack just to keep the baby out of the hospital and not getting an IV shoved in him/her.

I can tell that you’ve got great instincts. You’re responding well and are in tune already with your kiddo. You’re doing great by even wondering about this.
@msmat yes i hand expressed a bunch 2 weeks before delivery and i usually will hand express a little before he latches.

yeah the lactation consultants are very "oh no that's totally fine hes doing great!!!" and i just keep wondering if thats the case. we will see tomorrow at our appointment with our pediatrician.
@quangqui007 Mine didn’t come in until day 5. This is totally normal and not easy at ALL. Keep it up, you’re doing a good job.

Supplement with formula if you need to to get a little break. That’s okay. Two oz of formula is nothing compared to what you’ll give your baby when your milk finally comes in.
@quangqui007 I supplemented with formula and don’t regret it at all. he was content and full and slept so well while I squeezed the colostrum out. We put it into a plastic syringe and fed him that as well. After a few weeks he just naturally stopped wanting formula so now EBF
@quangqui007 Mine took five days to come in, I was having latch issues too. By day 2 I was somewhat freaking out, called my mom during a meltdown: she said to calm down, feed with formula if necessary since he couldn’t latch and to start pumping on a tight schedule even if nothing came out.

Milk came in with a vengeance on day five (I overproduced massively), we stopped formula, and we finally got a good latch at six weeks. Breastfed like a champ until he was 13 months. If there’s one thing I learned from this is that breastfeeding journeys are anything but linear, and that its definitely harder than they prepare us for during pregnancy.

Hang in there 💕
@quangqui007 Super normal
Babies fuss for all sorts of reasons
Sucking is soothing in general!
If you're getting touched out and need a break a pacifier can help (baby is using you as a pacifier sometimes) if you know baby had a full feed

Stay hydrated and feed yourself as well! Great job for a partner or family member is to bring you food that's not too hot while you hold baby. Try and get rest when you can.

Normal for milk to take a few days
@quangqui007 We used formula in the early days. Baby was screaming hungry and we couldn’t bear it. But my supply caught up and we exclusively breastfed between 6 weeks to when I went back to work. Do whatever works for you and your little one.
@quangqui007 We were in the hospital for 6 days, on day 2 I fed the little guy literally every hour. I thought maybe I was doing something wrong but I was told it's completely normal and to continue. on day 3 they weighted him and were a bit concerned about the weight loss (close to 10%) so we were told to supplement a few feedings with formula (nurse, then give a 10-20ml of formula). we supplemented 3 nightly feedings for 2 days and he started to gain.

Still, it was important to nurse as often as he wanted to stimulate lactation.