breastfeeding 2 day old

@quangqui007 One word: formula. There’s zero shame in supplementing formula with your newborn while your body is adjusting. My milk came in day 1 but disappeared in the days after and my baby dropped weight because we were accidentally under feeding her. “Fed is best” and let no one tell you different/have you feel any shame for providing what your baby needs. Yes nursing is a “supply and demand” relationship but you can’t force your body to do something while it’s still learning how to supply those first few days/weeks.
@quangqui007 I had to supplement with formula on day 2. I was doing what you’re doing, feeding constantly but he wasn’t peeing or pooing enough. I only had to supplement for 2 days. My milk came in on day 4. I still continued to breast feed those days but would top him off until he was satisfied.

The amount of times baby pees or poops is a good indicator if they’re eating enough. If they don’t pee, they could be dehydrated and that can be dangerous. We ended up in the ER on day 2 because of this. It was so stressful and I wish I would’ve been better informed. My baby wasn’t born with jaundice but because he didn’t get enough liquid, he started turning yellow. He also lost a good amount of weight those first two days. It was so stressful for us. He’s 5 weeks now, my milk supply is great and baby continues to gain weight. You are completely normal. Continue to feed, make sure you’re eating well, resting, getting plenty of water. You’re doing great!!
@quangqui007 My baby was jaundiced and needed to eat. We opted to latch for 20 minutes, top up with formula, then I pumped. We did this for the first 4 days until I got mature milk in. Triple feeding sucks, but for most people it’s a very short time. So if that is something you feel like you need to do, here’s my success story. We are now 4mo on and he EBF and takes a bottle of pumped milk when I’m at work, AND I have a freezer stash. If you choose to give a little formula it will be okay.
@quangqui007 Just keep doing the best you can. Watch out for signs of dehydration, but it’s very unlikely that your baby is getting so little that there’s a serious problem.

Do you have a pediatrician appointment tomorrow? Where I am, 3 days is standard. At my daughter’s 3 day appointment, she had lost a little bit too much weight. So we had to supplement with formula for about a month, and I pumped some on top of nursing. It was a little scary, but she was fine, gained back all the weight and then some, and then I EBF until 13 months!

Good luck ❤️
@quangqui007 Keep feeding, mama, they seem hungry and not satisfied because they need to hang out in the breast for as long as possible to stimulate supply. They're taking a lot in. It's normal to think not - my friend who is a doctor and lactation consultant always said the same thing to mamas and when it was her turn, she also had doubts she was producing enough!

Obvs keep an eye on baby weight etc as medically required, but otherwise just keep feeding. I hope you have a helpful network around you so you can take the time to sit and feed all the time. Much love! And congratulations!!
@quangqui007 Feed any time baby is hungry.
Day 2 and 3 all my baby wanted to do was cluster feed (they’re stomach almost doubles in size from day 1 to day 3 according to the hospital we were at)
The colostrum is enough until your milk comes in. Mine personally came in on day 4, but it’s different for everyone.
You got this!
@quangqui007 Put the baby to the breast at every peep. It is very normal for them to feed for a long time at this stage. I hate the phrase ‘milk isn’t in’ your body right now is making colostrum which is the best nutrition for a 2 day old baby. Don’t fall into the trap of topping up with formula. Your milk will change over the next 24-48 hours and increase in volume.
@quangqui007 Your baby will not act satisfied or full until they are like 5 months old. You ask what I did in the early days and if you follow this step by step plan you should be ok and baby will be well fed.

-get all your favorite snacks

-get all your favorite drinks

-assemble these near your comfy spot

-pick a good tv show

-hold and feed baby. Eat snacks. Drink drinks. Order DoorDash

-watch movies and shows. Beware of hormones
and shows involving babies coming to harm.

-shower when you can. Accept that it won't be much

-sleep when you can. Accept that it won't be much.

-if you keep in mind that your only job at the moment is to convert calories to breast milk and give to baby, and ignore the feeding times they tell you, and that no other task is more important, you can relax and just sit and feed baby.

You'll come out on the other side soon. Baby will feed, be full, and go off to play. But these are early days, just cuddle and enjoy it ... and the milk will flow.
@quangqui007 I am a La Leche League leader. Don't give up. Just don't limit the amount that the baby wants to nurse, I know the baby's probably getting frustrated and you are too but the more they nurse the faster the milk would come in. If you get upset and stress about it it will all so delay your milk coming in. Hang in, it'll happen.
@quangqui007 Congratulations! My milk took a full week to come in and we had to supplement with some formula because my son wasn’t having enough wet diapers. Be aware of wet diaper count.

We went on the EBF and he still nurses three times a day now at 21 months! Supplementing can be useful. It doesn’t have to be permanent or scary.

Embrace the cluster feeding snuggles. Eat all the snacks. Hydrate hydrate hydrate. You got this!
@quangqui007 Keep nursing!! Try not to give in to the worry. Colostrum is what your baby needs. Make sure to massage your breast to make sure baby is getting as much as possible. Jack Newman has an awesome video on YouTube about expressing during nursing.
@quangqui007 My baby ended up developing sepsis so was admitted to special care, but before that he'd feed for 20 minutes or 5 minutes. A midwife hand expressed for me and got around 5ml. The following day we got 10ml.

I just kept expressing when I could. Early hours I got only 1ml and by the afternoon I had 50ml. It just came on all of a sudden and I could give the special care unit my expressed milk when I wasn't there.

By the time he was feeding from me again I was bringing 120ml to the unit every time.