breastfeeding 2 day old

@eldorado I literally had this at the weekend when baby was 10 days old. I was really beating myself up about the fact he'd cluster feed all day and make me exhausted to the point we had to give a bottle, and with the bottle he'd settle for 3-4 hours. It was making me feel like I wasn't giving him what he needed.

Today has been the first day in probably a week where he's back to his routine of 3-4hrly feeds. And praise the lord cos my mental health was suffering bad with sleep deprivation and incredibly sore nipples.
@eldorado This! I felt the need to use formula because my nipples were so sore it took every ounce of my being not to push my sweet little babe off me when she nursed. My supply tanked but...I managed to pump everytime baby had a bottle, use nipple shields and get back on track after about a week.
@eldorado The nurse pressured us into giving formula when this happened and now our baby needs a bottle a day and it makes me mad and I wish I had been better informed and more confident to say no thank you
@jacobjcb It’s very hard not to when you yourself are concerned and have no way of knowing for sure that they are getting what they need without doing a weighted feeding or seeing how their weight progresses over the first week or so. But ultimately some supplementation is totally fine!
@eldorado Yea and the nurse meant well citing our mental health and getting him to sleep but I regret caving. I think the long term effect had a worse impact on our mental health lol
@quangqui007 Cluster feeding is normal! Breast milk runs on a supply and demand system. The more your baby nurses (or you remove colostrum/milk from your breasts another way like pumping or hand expressing) the higher your body thinks the demand for milk is and will try to increase your supply to keep up.

It can get really frustrating but at this stage a hungry baby who wants to nurse is a very good thing!! Many are still too sleepy to eat very much and have trouble keeping their weight up.

As long as diaper output is good, I'd keep doing what you're doing. Get comfy on the couch or the bed with snacks and a giant water and find something to binge watch to pass the time.
@quangqui007 It’s totally normal for a two day old baby to nurse constantly. It’s also more than acting hungry, baby wants you close too. Keep nursing on demand, it’ll space out soon! Baby’s tummy is super tiny at this point so yes, colostrum is enough until your milk comes in. Hold in there!
@quangqui007 Hang in there mama! With my first child - My milk didn’t come in until day 4!! It was tough especially w/baby seeming hungry! With my 2nd and 3rd, I latched them anytime they were interested and would pump In between this really did help I believe.
@202helives Another vote for day 4 with first. it felt like forever and really stressed me out but then it was over and we were cooking with gas (e.g. milk not colostrum). i also added in a couple short pump sessions day 3 that I think helped (and got me enough for a few tiny syringe feeds)