breastfeeding 2 day old

@quangqui007 I nursed her first, every time she seemed hungry or fussy, then offered a couple ounces of formula if she didn't seem satisfied. Did that until my milk came in on day 3. Milk took 5 days to come in with my first baby.
@deborahallen Why is this downvoted here?
I had no milk until day 7 so I supplemented with formula while having the baby latched all day.

I have been exclusively breastfeeding for almost 12 months now.

Using formula when necessary does not mean your breastfeeding journey is doomed!
@diancuk It is unfortunate that people will so strongly say that supplementing will cause irreparable damage to breastfeeding. It can save someone’s sanity and they can go on to successfully breastfeed for a long time
@deborahallen I don’t know why it’s downvoted either. I couldn’t withhold hydration and nutrition from any child for five days. It would be abuse but people think it’s permissible for newborns.
@quangqui007 It took 3 weeks as unfortunately I thought it was ok to formula feed and no one told me to not use formula... Also we stayed in hospital... Keep feeding the baby and avoid formula it'll get better sooner
@quangqui007 Pls also remember baby’s stomach is literally the size of a cherry, your baby may also just want to pacify on your nipple which can look like being hungry and rooting. Milk comes in day 4-5, hang in there!
@quangqui007 Drink plenty of water and coconut water. You need to eat and rest mama. Feed on demand and use a haka for the side you’re not feeding on. Also make sure you’re getting enough calories, so eat.

Milk will come in by day 3. Try not to stress over it. If you have to supplement with formula until your milk arrives. A fed baby is best.