@rejisamuel I am also 3 months postoartum today. I lost about 20 puns in the first 10 days PP and need to lose another 20 to be at my prepartum weight (I was fi5 skinny before pregnancy). Your journey seems a lot like mine.
I started weight training and core exercises due to my DR 4 weeks PP. I walk each day 5K plus random strolling. I am eating clean cca 2000 calories per day. I don't eat past 19 a.m. I take my vitamins and magnesium in the evening.
This is my second PP journey and in my first one I lost most weight in 5 months PP amd the last stubborn 8 pounds 7 monthy PP. The difference was though that 1.my first baby didn't breastfeed that much and I was combining BF with artificial milk while my second baby breastfeeds every 1.5hour, 2. my first baby slept through the night quite fast while the second one wakes 3-5 times.
I am currently in the same boat as you. But we should not give up! My strategy is to start with solids at 4 months and hopefully my baby will like it..then slowly wean up to 6 months.
I am a bit annoyed that summer is around the corner and I will be fat during summer but there is no point in contemplating this. I bought some wide dresses and I will try to hide my body in bikini with overdresses. Better times shall come..