breastfeeding 2 day old

@quangqui007 My milk took a little longer to come in with my second and he was a big boy so I was worried about him getting enough. After he would nurse, I would hand express some extra colostrum into a small bowl and then collect it in a syringe, and use that to feed him.

Newborns have TINY stomachs, so just knowing he was getting at least a couple mL from the syringe was really reassuring until my milk came in on day 3
@quangqui007 OP, just want to say I love your update! This sub was super helpful to me at the start of my nursing journey; I’m so happy it is already doing the same for you! Breastfeeding has become so special to me!
@quangqui007 Just let him stay attached as often and as long as he wants to (and that’s for the duration of your breastfeeding journey) you’re baby is doing just as he should, and you’re body is as well. Great job Mama. Dont be discouraged :)
@quangqui007 It’s what your new baby mammal needs! Try to find ways to make it easier to have him on you 24/7. Paper plates, frozen dinner, babywearing, side car bassinet!
@quangqui007 Those first few days (I’d say up to date 10-14, depending on your start) are the most difficult. It’s emotionally draining, physically draining, and it feels like nobody in the world understands what YOU are going through. I vividly remember trying to nurse in the hospital and having the lactation consultants trying to analyze everything and treating the entire situation so clinically. We did have some issues with a latch, but the emotional torture of being stuck in a hospital room with seemingly no backup just really made it difficult.

You’re doing a great job. Skin to skin is almost as important as actually getting them latched. They have a decent amount of fat on their bodies to help them through your milk transitioning.

You’ve got this!
@quangqui007 My milk took 4 days to come in and it was like a slow drip. I remember being so proud that I pumped an ounce. My LO had jaundice so I supplemented with formula until my milk came in. You got this!!
@quangqui007 I offered boob untill we are frustrated, and give formula untill she is satisfied. Day five my milk kicked in and we never looked back. I regretted it later when I read formula ingredients and when I saw how much better the breast milk poop is, but on the other hand I didn't listen to my baby crying thinking if she is hungry.
@quangqui007 Baby’s tummy is the size of a quarter! It will fill and empty quickly so frequent feedings are normal and necessary to bring in your milk.
Use silverettes or lansinoh cooling gel pads to relieve your sore nipples! Use silverettes ALONE (not with nipple cream/ointment) and alternate with refrigerated lansinoh cooling gel pads.
As much skin to skin time as you can manage/tolerate/allow will help with milk and your mental health!
@quangqui007 I nursed often but he wouldn’t stay awake to nurse long at all. We tried hand expressing into a spoon a few times. He was pretty jaundice and lost more than 10% of his body weight so the Peds team recommended formula. I would nurse then give formula until my milk came in 3 days later. Then switched to EBF and he hasn’t had formula since.
@quangqui007 Did you have a long labor or c-section? I would try to see a lactation consultant if you can. My baby lost a lot of weight over the first few days while we were in the hospital. It was so stressful! But we got help and have finally gotten EBF to work. I know not everyone has access, but it’s definitely worth seeing if you can get a professional to evaluate! There’s a lot of factors that might be in play. In my case, my baby was not able to extract enough milk so I had to pump and bottle feed her for many weeks with a couple of breastfeeding sessions to practice her skills. Best of luck! I hope you find the help you need!
@kay19 no i was induced and labor was pretty quick. we are seeing a lactation specialist on Monday. it is making me feel better knowing that the cluster feeds and fussing are normal. hes been feeding every hour today.