Breastfed exclusively for 6 months. Is formula ok now?

@olamide I wouldn’t think of it as risks, but more not receiving certain benefits.
For example, nursing is generally better for teeth alignment, provides antibodies, lower risk of ear infections and allergies, but ultimately, you have to weigh the costs and benefits.
@carlwest275 It’s a crazy question to ask when there is so much information already out there at your fingertips. Literally do a .2 second search of this sub.

It also perpetuates the idea that “breast is best” which is constantly pushed regardless of circumstances.
@carlwest275 Let’s not assume that glass is automatically better, though.

Multiple brands of glass bottle are a) more expensive, and b) have been recalled for lead paint.

People afford what they can. There’s really no “at least” about it :)
@chelle You don’t have to buy lead contaminated bottles, but all plastic bottles will leech microplastics regardless. You can’t always make the “best” choice, but you can try to make better choices. It’s probably possible to find glass bottles for free by scoping out mom groups and buy nothing groups. That’s how I’ve gotten nearly everything for my baby. I know people will maybe disagree with me, but it’s a hill I’ll die on.
@tgreen78 From my understanding the recalls all had to do with paint. There are some glass bottles on the market with no paint.

If something can’t apply to then it’s an exception and don’t take the advice.
@tgreen78 Yeah, I mean, you do what you can with the knowledge that you have. Almost everything made for consumers has some level of contamination/negative effects so the goal is just to minimize when possible.

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