Exclusively pumping 3 weeks pp.

@quando62 I spent about 6 weeks reducing pumps and time pumping. It was very slow at first - I didn’t want to tank my supply right away and was also nervous about making the switch to formula because my baby has MSPI and I was so worried about giving up this food source. Once I got past my mental block towards the end, I literally went from 3 pumps to 0 a day in a week. I didn’t use any supplements and only took Tylenol and Ibuprofen at the very end to help with soreness and relieve a clog. After I got to 0, I had to pump each breast twice over the course of 2 weeks to relieve pain. Then I put it away forever.
@zoznoz I feel your pain mama! I was the same and had horrible mastitis to top it off. I felt so guilty but quit cold turkey one day and it was the best decision I have ever made. I’m a much better mom now and way more present than I ever was before. Do not feel guilty whatsoever - you are doing an amazing job!!
@zoznoz Hi, my baby is 9 weeks old. I had your exact experience and made the switch to formula 4 weeks ago. Before doing so, I was sick — when I looked in the mirror, all I saw was a cow of a human. I was wet, hungry and bulging from the pump the entire time. It was singlehandedly responsible for my PPD.

Then I stopped cold turkey. The first 10 days were hard... I was haunted by regret, wondering if I made a mistake. I was making a ton of milk (still have a freezer full) and maybe it was selfish of me to stop. But then my body changed. My boobs settled, my energy skyrocketed. My self-loathing got quieter. If that's what you experience while BF, then you might regain a piece of yourself when you stop. And you need to focus on that piece, because it's who your baby needs.

Formula is amazing these days. My son ended up having a CMPI (which I consume a lot of dairy, so it would have been SO difficult for me to cut that out of my diet anyway) and I put him on goats milk formula. Within two days of doing this formula, he's changed completely - happy, settled, sweet little guy.

You will make the right choice for you. There are many right choices here. Sending love!
@zoznoz I felt that way too; I was tired of bonding with the pump instead of bonding with my child !! Your baby needs you wayyyy more than they need that pump!!
@zoznoz I’m 14 weeks postpartum, I’ve been exclusively pumping since like week 2. Now luckily hubby has been off work but the odd time when he is out for a while I try to pump when she naps or is happy enough to be entertained by the rocker or the tunnel gym we have. If it’s only a 5-10 min pump I tell myself it’s ok and I’d rather be with her. I’m defs considering switching to formula or a mix when hubby goes back to work though. No idea how any mums on their own could get it done!
@zoznoz I had the same problem, I combo fed with formula until my son figured how to latch on around 3/4 wks old, then EBF. Pregnant with baby #2 and I already plan to do the same, but transition to formula completely once I feel overwhelmed with exclusively pumping.
&, to elaborate, you will be able to bond so much better with your baby and focus on loving them when you are not chained to a pump. Formula is great, you are great, do not empty your worry tank on this. Plenty of things to worry about in the years to come!!
@zoznoz My baby (5.5 months now) struggled with latching & when we figured it out she still couldn’t transfer enough milk to gain weight so we had to supplement formula. But I was also exclusively pumping & triple feeding (feeding from breast, pumping and feeding pumped milk, and then supplementing with formula). I came to dread pumping and the time it took away from baby- including washing and sterilizing pump parts constantly. Having never getting a solid stretch of sleep due to having to wake up to pump was killing me. Im pretty high sleep needs and I felt like I was being tortured. I was so anxious watching the clock until the next time I needed to pump. My mental health really started to suffer and I stopped at 8 weeks.

I’m sorry, I don’t have any encouragement to offer regarding sticking to pumping. But when I mentally decided to stomp pumping I immediately felt a sense of relief, even though I still physically had to pump a few more times to wean off. But just knowing that I didn’t HAVE to keep pumping made me instantly feel better. Just letting you know, formula is nutritionally complete and your baby will flourish either way! Wishing you clarity to make a decision that serves you and your baby best!
@cricket1001 Thanks so much, I decreased the amount of sessions last night and today and I feel sooo much better already. I’m definitely at peace with this decision
@zoznoz I had hopes of pumping and feeding breast milk, but I switched gears real fast when all I thought about was making sure my baby was fed, and I didn't care how that happened. I think you'll feel much better formula feeding and then maybe still pumping and saving milk if you want to.
@zoznoz Sometimes milk doesn’t even come in. Mine never did. Sometimes the mom doesn’t want to be a human pacifier. Feeding a baby isn’t one size fits all.

Feed your baby and that’s all that matters.
@zoznoz I only pump while feeding him! That helps me but I also would feel no shame in quitting. I am 6 weeks pp and consider it everyday. I’m not sure I’ll make it much longer. I combo feed already and have since birth because he was in the NICU and I wasn’t making enough then. You are a good mom either way, whatever choice you make is the right one for you and your baby!
@zoznoz Also check out r/combinationfeeding if you’re not ready to make the EFF jump. It’s been so helpful to me. Or r/exclusivepumping. (There’s a lot of combo feeding moms there too). I’m almost 6 months postpartum and had to exclusively pump due to latch. But I’m at my wits end with it. I was at 7-8 pumps a day til 4 months then dropped to 5-6. If I drop to 5 exclusively my supply drops, so that’s where I started looking into combo feeding. I just can’t take the pump anymore. From what I’ve heard other moms say, I may have regrets for not switching sooner 😅 I’m trying to switch 1 feed a day right now to formula.