Breastfed baby night feeding - experience wanted!

@linka81 We are still nursing at 2 years and some change but just to sleep at this point. We might weaned around 21mo. Night sleep always went to shit when a nap transition happened and that resulted in more night nursing. He switched to one nap around 1 and from there on there were around 3 night wakings, give or take. Around 1.5 he went down to 1 night waking and then around 20mo he started nursing every 2 hours like a newborn because he was teething and I was done. I took a few weeks to slowly night wean and then he pretty much started sleeping through the night.

We have bed shared since birth so it was never too difficult to feed him at night and I was mostly able to pop him off after a few mins roll over and go back to sleep.
@linka81 We are transitioning to some formula because I've started work and don't want to pump. So during the day she is on formula when I'm not home.
Her feeds have dropped, including her night feeds. Went from ever 3 hrs to once a night and sometimes not even that. She will wake up at maybe 5am for a snooze button feed and that's all.
She is almost 12 months.
@linka81 Baby is almost 9 months. Sleeps in a crib in a separate room. Usually wakes up once per night to breastfeed but sometimes sleeps straight through and has for about the past month. When she was about 6-7 months, she was up around twice per night, sometimes once, sometimes thrice. I've nursed her to sleep since she was born, and we co-slept until she was about 4-5 months.

Edit to add: no idea about transitioning to formula though. I have no plans to. She's healthy and happy with breastmilk, and I enjoy nursing. Since I work, she does drink bottles of pumped breastmilk during the day at daycare.
@linka81 18 months, still breastfeeding. His sleep has been up and down since 6 months but has always been in his own room since about 2 months old.

He’s always been nursed to sleep, but lately wants to stop nursing and climb into bed himself at bedtime.

I’ve always had to get up to nurse him back to sleep at least once or twice. For the last few months he’s needed to be nursed and cuddled back to sleep a few times throughout the night, and if it’s after 4am or he’s really struggling to settle down I bring him into bed with us until it’s time to get up. (He’s been struggling with mild to moderate congestion ever since he started baby school at the beginning of the year, and it’s worse at night).

If he’s unwell he might need to spend the whole night in bed with us.
@linka81 My 9 month old gets by on one or two feeds a night. It's only been more than that during growth spurts or when she's been sick and needed more fluids. We've been at that one or two feeds for a long time. I am EBF and we cosleep so it's pretty easy to just let her shinny over to me and lift my shirt and we all stay in slumber land. I have no idea when she will drop that last feed. I think it really just helps her get to the morning without tummy aches. I barely make it through the night without snacks myself 😅
@linka81 He's been so inconsistent at night. From around 6-8 months he was still up every 2-4hrs usually. After that (he turns 1 on Saturday) he started going longer stretches a bit more consistently, more like, 5-9hrs. once he had 7hr stretches for about 2 weeks straight, it was glorious! But he can still wake up after 2-3hrs of sleep on a bad night. There's no way for me to know which way it's going to go at bedtime.
@linka81 My brother wasn’t night weaned til after 3. My 9 month old is going through a regression and still nurses. I don’t think night weaning is recommended till after a year. My plans are letting it be natural. My tips is a big nursing session before bed and snuggles and pray for the best.
@linka81 My little one has mostly night weaned herself at 13 months. Occasionally we nurse once at night, maybe 2-3 times if she's teething, but most nights she doesn't nurse until the sun is up even if we are cosleeping.
@linka81 Still bf at 14 months and bedsharing. Around 6 months she nursed once or twice a night. Past the first year she dropped it to once. Exception of course is teething time. When she's teething it feels like she's glued to the boob during the whole night. Normally, I'm not bothered by it but it sucks ( literally) when het teething and my period happen at the same time.