Exclusively pumping 3 weeks pp.

@zoznoz The first few weeks every 3 hours but then mostly—Month 1: every 4 hours, month 2: every 5 hours and around 10 weeks stopped overnight. I didn’t care if my baby got mostly formula and some breastmilk everyday so I built a freezer stash too. Gave a frozen bag a day from 3-4 months pp.
@zoznoz I stopped exclusively pumping around the 3 week mark for this exact reason — I was spending so much time managing my boobs that I couldn’t be a parent or wife or human being. Switching to formula was the best thing for me and my family. Do what’s best for you and yours, whatever that means!
@zoznoz I would say if you want to give latching one more go and haven’t done this already, I saw a lactation consultant once before I quit pumping/switched to formula and I’m glad I did so even though it didn’t work out. When even the LC couldn’t get baby to take more than 1.5oz (measured by weighted feed) in an hour with lots of screaming (and she normally took 3+ oz at a time quickly and easily and happily), it made me feel better about throwing in the towel.

Before that I was hesitant to let my milk supply dry up bc I didn’t want to give up on the dream of being able to direct nurse one day, but once I accepted that wasn’t going to happen and that pumping was negatively affecting my relationship with my baby it made the switch easier.
@goldielocks I’ve been seeing an LC once a week since week 1 and similar story. He got 2 oz after trying to feed for an hour, and that’s in the office. When I get home I’m not able to get him to latch at all. I would continue to pump if it meant he could nurse next week but there’s no way to know!
@zoznoz I’m so sorry you’re struggling! Pumping FUCKING SUCKS, especially with a newborn I’m sure you just want to snuggle (or wanting to do anything else but pump!!). I see you and I’m sorry you’re going through this.

If you want validation, you may want to check out /ExclusivelyPumping or /HumansPumpingMilk if you want to hear from people in your situation. There are folks on there who are EP, FF, and combo feeding. Always a post on /EP when someone is DONE pumping and everyone on the sub celebrates lol.
@zoznoz Make the switch! I hated having to leave my baby with my husband while I pumped, I’d rather just feed her formula and be with her. If it’s not serving you or your baby more than formula can, then why bother?
@zoznoz A happy and healthy mom is what is best for the baby. If that version of you exists more readily and more consistently by formula feeding, then absolutely make that choice. Fed is best. A mom in a good mental state is best. Making choices to support your mental health is being a good mom, so there’s nothing to feel guilty about. In fact, you should be proud of yourself. You got this, Mama!
@zoznoz My baby couldn’t latch from day one and I had a poor supply so I switch over to formula before even leaving the hospital. I knew before I even gave birth that I wanted to either exclusively breastfeed or not at all. My mental health could not handle exclusively pumping and I told myself I am a better version of myself for my son when my mental wellbeing is in a healthy place. Formula feeding is just as good and your baby will be happy they are fed!
@zoznoz Please don’t feel guilty. I know that’s hard. I exclusively pumped for 6 months with my first. I wish I stopped sooner. I’m 5 weeks post partum with my second and I gave formula and pumped from the get go. Now I’ve weaned down to only pumping 2x a day and I hardly get engorged. I could probably cut it out completely really easily and that’s so freeing to me. With my first I felt tied to the pump. I pumped for 15 min every 3 hours until he was 12 weeks. It was torture but I thought I “had to” or else my supply would tank. I started spacing pumps this time almost immediately until I could comfortable pump only 2x per day and that’s been great. It’s manageable but he’s still getting breast milk, and even the like 8oz or less a day he’s getting is still something. Not that breast milk is necessary, I don’t mean that at all because I know it’s not, but it’s enough that it saves me a little money on formula anyway. So I just want to say it’s ok to start dropping pumps and combo feeding. Drop slowly and then see what works for you. If you can get to pumping less, that may save your sanity even if you still wanna give breast milk. Either decision your baby will do great! Brest milk or formula they’ll grow big and strong either way.
@zoznoz oh my that's a lot of pumping! I too started increasing intervals between pumping (from 2.5 hrs to 3-5 to accommodate whatever I'm doing that day, and prioritized sleep at night). I did not decrease time though -- pumping for 15-24 min, depending on how full my breasts are (I have supply issues so most often they're empty by 15 min mark). hope this helps
Also, you're only 3 weeks pp, and might still feel engorged if you don't pump very often. This feeling will soon go away - you will have milk, but almost no discomfort, and it will allow you to have longer stretches in-between sessions.
@zoznoz There is a resource on here people link a lot that is how to wean from exclusive pumping . com I believe. I’m sure you can google it easily, but I just slowly stretched time between sessions. I also decreased the time I pump from 15 min by 1 min every day for like a week now I only pump 10 min. That does decrease supply a bit but that was my intention.
@zoznoz I went through almost the exact same scenario as you. Pumping took me away from the baby, and when my husband went back to work after 2 weeks, I was struggling to take care of her and pump. I was miserable. I felt guilty because I produced a lot of milk but it’s not worth it if you can’t be with the baby. I felt like I was running a marathon and there was no stop. I was done after 3 weeks.

It’s about YOU. You are amazing and need to do what’s best for you.
@zoznoz I began pumping at 1 week PP due to a bad latch and it didn’t take long before I planned when I wanted to wean by. There’s nothing abnormal or wrong with what you’re feeling. And there’s nothing wrong with formula feeding. I didn’t stop sooner because I couldn’t figure out how to wean, lol.

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