Calling All Moms Who Have Breastfed

@lukester09 Weaning can be a sloooow process. You can do it super gentle and gradual. Cut each nursing session down by a minute or two each time. Each time he wants to nurse, try to delay by a few minutes- offer food or water, distract him, tell him we’re just going to wait a little, etc

It’s ok for you to have boundaries around your own body. It’s ok at that age to not nurse when you really don’t want to. It’s actually good to start encouraging real food and water rather than just nursing every time he’s hungry or thirsty.

You can expect him to have some hard feelings about it and you can just show up and support him through those feelings. “I know you want to nurse but right now it’s dinner time.” “I know it’s hard for you to wait but we can nurse when I’m done with this” “we’re all done having milk now, it’s time to get ready to go to the store” “we can snuggle but it’s not time for milk now” “you’re really frustrated right now.” And so forth
@lukester09 My third baby is 22 months and addicted to the boob as well. She’s always refused a bottle of pumped milk along with a bottle, sippy cup or cup or any type of milk (cow, almond, soy even chocolate milk). What I’ve been doing is to offer water when she asks for boob (because she’s literally old enough to say I want boob) or offer a snack instead.

He’ll grow out of it. But in the meantime offer snacks or water, distract him and wear more difficult to access shirts.
@lukester09 You’re not failing. You can’t spoil a baby. It sounds like you have a very loved, growing, attached young man experiencing separation anxiety.

I would just keep offering other things and set a time limit on nursing, if you want to.