@lukester09 In some countries where there isn’t a clean water supply, the WHO recommends breastfeeding instead of any potentially unclean water source until 2 years old. It is our culture that deems breastfeeding unacceptable to babies. In fact in Africa as a whole it is the norm (90%) to breastfeed until 2. Can you imagine the difference in culture that most people around you are/were breastfed/feeding until 2 and beyond?
So it’s not bad that he is such a boobie monster. I think encouraging him with more food might be the way, after already experiencing several “boob monster recessions” with my 16mo following teething and illness that I thought I couldn’t shake, but got back on track with.
Remember they are learning to eat at this age still, and it’s AMAZING that in their tiny first few years of life human children transition their nutrient-absorbing systems 3/4 times - from yolk of the egg to the umbilical cord + placenta to milk/food. That’s a lot going on there. Kind of overwhelming really. Wouldn’t you prefer to just nestle up and feel close to that familiar body that you first called home instead, and have a litttle boobie?
I suggest having a lot of snacking going on to start to transition him into food meals, you eat too and you could bribe a little like “try the snack before boobie?” like helping him get the taste for it. It will probably take several weeks of consistent trying for him to actually decide he would like this stuff. So try that for a bit and see how it goes.
It must be quite draining for you to be bf so much, so make sure you are looking after yourself as much as possible too. Remember he is watching you and so you are teaching him to care for himself. You want to demonstrate boundaries for him so he can use them in his life. That said, it sounds like you are doing a great job of managing your rainbow baby
Edit: for clarity