Exclusively pumping 3 weeks pp.

@zoznoz Echoing so many of these other comments. Pumping sucked for me, I was always alone with baby so it was so hard to time it correctly (EP bc baby couldn’t latch). I was miserable, angry - had DMER - and couldn’t produce enough. Felt guilty but liberated switching to formula. Now my wonderful boy is 14 months and so smart, so sweet, gets sick sometimes like any other kid, and I don’t regret it for a second. Formula was freeing for me, him and my mental health. Do what works for you and I promise it will work out!
@zoznoz Don’t feel guilty, I had to exclusively pump initially too, and it was very annoying. I felt like I didn’t have time to enjoy my baby. Honestly, you don’t have to do one or the other. You could give as much breastmilk as you’re comfortable with pumping that day, and also do formula.

Simulac and enfamil will send free samples if you register with them so you can see which one works for you. (Mine puke simulac up constantly and it clumped up more)

I kept on trying to get my baby to latch even after leaving the hospital, and I would say within two weeks of postpartum he was able to with the assistance of a nipple shield. But he wasn’t good at it. And I would say a month and half later I weaned him off the nipple shield. Breast feeding is easier than solely pumping. With pumping proper Flange size helps, but it never fully emptied me

With that being said, we are temporarily exclusively formula right now. I got really bad nipple thrush and the pill I’m on makes my milk unsafe for the baby to drink. As much as I thought breast feeding was a little annoying the formula route is super annoying. It’s expensive, and we waste so much of it bc he’s not hungry.

My husband and I supplemented our baby with formula from the get go bc the baby wasn’t gaining weight. It really takes the edge off so we could sleep in shifts, and the pressure wasn’t all on me to feed the baby. Plus milk supply naturally decreases in the evening.
@zoznoz I exclusively pumped until my baby was 4 months. I wish I stopped sooner. Formula is PERFECT for babies. I wanted to breastfeed but it didn’t work out and pumping stole so much joy from those early days… time with my newborn that I will never get back.

If you stop now, I really don’t think you will regret it. The hormones that come with weaning are rough so brace yourself. I started on Zoloft when I decided to stop pumping and that helped a lot.

You’re doing such a good job. Your baby is going to absolutely thrive and love you no matter if they get breastmilk or formula 🤍
@zoznoz Switching to formula from exclusively pumping was the absolute best decision I’ve ever made. My baby was the exact same on formula as she was on breast milk. Anecdotally, my cousin has been exclusively pumping for over a year and her baby has been sick probably six or so times, and once even needed to go to the ER. My baby has been on formula since she was six weeks old and hasn’t been sick once. I was sure she’d get her first illness after a trip we took (two plane rides + meeting a lot of family and friends) but nope!

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