Birth at 38 weeks?

@quaheem I had a scheduled induction at 38 weeks. I had to fight the doctors to go that long. I created too good of a home because after the pitocin and other measures, they just didn't want to coke out and i needed a c section following 3.5 days of labor.
@quaheem My twins were born scheduled c section at 37+4. That was when my OB was in and she wanted to get them out before 38 weeks. There was nothing complicated during my pregnancy but my cervix shortened around 32 weeks. Beside being crampy and uncomfortable I had no signs of labour. They were born 8lbs 1 oz and 6 lbs 15 oz. My twin a was in the NICU for 2 weeks because of hypoglycemia he had trouble adjusting to being in the real world and wanted his placentae hahahah. Normally it's only a couple days to resolve the issue but my twin a took a while which is a little more rare. All and all they are healthy children and have had no issues.
@quaheem I made it to 38+5 (or 6? It’s all a blur).
I took plenty of naps during the last couple of months. Rested as much as possible. The last week I was basically horizontal since I would get out of breath so easily.

Pregnancy was super smooth. Only scare was that I lost my mucus plug at 21w but it regenerated and I never went into labor.

I could’ve gone longer but I had a previous c-section and my OB had a 39 max deadline.
@quaheem Made it to my planned c-section at 38 weeks exactly! Probably would have went into labour not too long after if it wasn’t planned. Had a fairly healthy pregnancy. Both babies were breech and weight around 6 lbs.
@quaheem I made it to 38+1. My schedule C-section was at 10am and my water broke at 1am. I had them 90 minutes after as an emergency C-section at 2:30 am
@quaheem Induced at exactly 38 weeks, had zero complications with pregnancy and with my birth. My twin pregnancy was smoother than my singleton. My cervix was at 1cm and I had like no contractions prior to being induced so I’m sure they would have stayed until 40 weeks like my singleton. I got induced because I was over pregnancy and my OB let
Me haha though I did have shoulder dystocia with my singleton so there was some concern about that
@quaheem I made almost to 38! I was induced at 37+5, might’ve made it a few more days before going into labor. Birth was great! Quick and easy! (Except for baby B who got stuck but eventually he came out too)
@quaheem I went into spontaneous preterm labor with di/di girls at 30w0d due to intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Everything always appeared normal with my babies at our ultrasounds prior to that. I did have telltale signs of cholestasis (severe itching, particularly on the palms and at night), but an extremely negligent doctor who basically refused to believe or treat me. So please if anyone reading this has similar symptoms, talk to your doctor right away!
@quaheem My wife is 34+5, and we will be inducing just prior to week 37. We live in Canada, and they have fairly strict rules on how long you can carry. Most hospitals here(you may be able to skirt the issue with a private hospital) will absolutely not let you carry past week 37 for very clear health reasons. I'm surprised to see so many of you carrying longer. I work in healthcare and was already aware of the 36/37 week rule. Although I will say Canada has far stricter health and safety requirements than most of the rest of the world.
@eddiesepics It's not a rule where I live. It's a possible risk and it's considered a very small risk. My doctor would never force a medical procedure. Instead they keep a dialogue with you and make sure you work together on a good outcome.
@quaheem Di/Di twins, went in for induction at 38&3 just to find out I was already in labor. Still needed some pitocin to push things along. Things went fine, I got tired after delivering twin A vaginally and after an hour and a half they threated a c-section so I got down to business with Twin B. I don't remember exactly but I think I pushed for somewhere between 5-10 minutes each time. With that break in the middle. Good luck mama!

Edited to add baby weights- Twin A 6lbs 13oz & Twin B 6lbs 9oz. Both 19 inches. (Dads huge I'm small/average)
@quaheem Induced at 38+3 and they came vaginally the next day. Easy pregnancy, no issues, no complications, no scares. I had already had 2 other uncomplicated pregnancies and vaginal births and the multiples one was no different (just my belly was HUGE). Had zero signs of labour and had to push the doctors to wait as long as they did. Babes would have stayed in their belly house for at least another week I think.
They were 3.45kg and 3.34kg and we went home 12 hours after birth.
@quaheem 38 week induction, zero signs of labor before. Delivered a breech B as planned and the whole process was so chill. It was almost too easy (with help of the mandatory epidural 😉). Much easier recovery than my singleton, probably because they were smaller.
@quaheem 38+0 here, scheduled c section. Babies weighed 8 lb 7 oz and 7 lb 9 oz. Aside from the pain of carrying babies that big, my pregnancy was pretty standard, the typical heartburn and swelling and stuff but not too bad. I actually miss feeling the little kicks and sometimes wish I could go back (briefly).
@quaheem My boys were delivered via C-section at 38 weeks exactly. It was a rough pregnancy - I had IC and had a rescue cerclage placed at 21 weeks and removed at 37 weeks. But, for all the pain and all the anxiety, I still had no signs of labor when they took me into the OR.