Birth at 38 weeks?

@vulcanlogician This happened to me as well. Di/di girls, scheduled for a c-section at 38 weeks but only made it to 35+5 due to early signs of preeclampsia (high blood pressure). They were born, both 4lbs7oz, perfectly healthy and no NICU time needed! They’re now 5 years old 🥹 good luck with the end of your pregnancy, OP!
@levopoly Same! Textbook pregnancy. Delivered at 38 weeks via c-section. Then my body went insane and the babies were released before I was thanks to postpartum hypertension.
@quaheem C-section scheduled for 38+2. Gave birth via c-section at 36+3. They hadn't grown much for the past few weeks so it was determined that they were better out than in.

I showed no signs of labour at all. My cervix was closed when I had my last ultrasound at 36+2.
@quaheem Induced right at 38, took 2 days til they finally accepted they were coming out! Vaginal delivery, didn't have to push for very long, everything went perfectly and babies were 6 lbs and 5 lbs, home after 2 nights. They are currently wreaking havoc in the playroom ♥️
@quaheem My c-section was scheduled for 38+3 but my babes decided to come at 38+0. My pregnancy was very healthy, albeit exhausting, I only chose to have the section because I had previously had one and was afraid of giving birth both vaginally and surgically if little dude wouldn’t turn. It’s kind of funny now - I had been to the hospital multiple times thinking they were coming and each time they wouldn’t let me deliver and I would get SO upset. I was just so tired and done. The day I was actually in labor, I REFUSED to go to the hospital (it was an hour away) because I just knew they’d turn me away again. But my poor husband said “Honey… I really think we need to go tonight” annnnddd I was about to give birth by the time we got there 🤣
@quaheem My di/di twins reached their eviction date of 38+1. No signs of labor, scheduled C because one was breech. Pregnancy was super easy. Birth was easy because doctors did all the work, recovery was slightly complicated by high blood loss (apparently 2 big placenta can do that), but the wonders of modern medicine made that easy too - was totally fine after a blood transfusion. We stayed in the hospital 2 nights for the usual monitoring and then we were all home and healthy! (We were allowed to stay 3 nights, but it was during height of COVID, no visitors allowed and my husband wasn’t allowed to leave and come back, even to go to the lobby to pick up food)
@quaheem I was induced at 38+2 and delivered on 38+3. Both were head down for a few weeks before the delivery and had run out of space to flip. One twin was 6'7 and the other was 5'14. The last month was hard but nowhere near as bad as I had imagined it would be. I was still exercising up until the week before. One twin was ready to be discharged 48 hours after the birth and the other had a stay in NICU for something congenital that had nothing to do with their gestational age or mode of delivery. My consultant would have delivered from 36 weeks on but was happy to support me waiting it out as long as it was safe to and gave me the choice of C-section and induction. I had no signs of going into spontaneous labor when I was induced so who knows how long they would have stayed without the eviction notice!
@quaheem I was induced at 38 weeks and 1 day. Our di di boys would have cooked a lot longer if they had the option 😂 Smooth pregnancy. I worked as a nurse full time and taught nursing students for our local community college. Both boys were pretty big. Baby A got stuck (asynclitic) so after laboring for 36 hours I had an emergency c section.
@quaheem I gave birth at exactly 39 weeks (7 weeks ago). Waters broke spontaneously the night before scheduled induction and had both boys vaginally five hours or so later.

Had a totally normal pregnancy, barely any morning sickness, normal blood pressure, no GD, I was over it at the end but still able to move around fairly normally - the day before birth I was running errands as always.

The biggest noticeable difference from my singleton was the size of my bump - she didn’t make an appearance until 41 +3 and that was induced. Having said that I was very over both pregnancies by the time the babies came out!!
@quaheem I had mine at 40weeks - vaginally. However it was in the OR , “ just in case “ so not that comforting
and I had to fight to keep them baking that long. Everyone at the clinic and hospital hated me - For wanting to go that long. I didn’t want to mess with a good thing. If the numbers look good and babes are healthy and growing as expected and moving ( counting the kicks) what’s the rush? it’s your body and your kiddos. Mamas are freaking super heroes!! Seriously we grow humans - we raise and care for humans!! Of course it depends on your health and your babes health but be a partner with your providers and advocate for yourself.