Birth at 38 weeks?

@quaheem I was induced at 38+3, had them at 38+4 (exact dates with IVF) I had well controlled gestational diabetes and a 20% size discordance between the twins, which they say is concerning but there was no growth restriction. One twin was 6+5; the other 7+14. We were very lucky to go home the next day. Both twins are similar sizes now and are doing great.

I actually had wanted to wait until 39w for induction, but when I polled 20+ MFMs across different healthcare systems, they ALL said donā€™t do it. Iā€™m a physician myself so I have a broad network to poll.

FWIW, I went 41+2 with my first baby (41w induction) and he was 10 lbs 15.8 ounces. BMI was 50th percentile and I didnā€™t have gestational diabetes - he was just huge. My next baby was 8+4. I was induced at 39w. I really wonder when Iā€™d go into spontaneous labor without the inductions.
@quaheem Apologies in advance for the length of this! Also, tw for medical malpractice (happy ending though)!

I am 7 weeks pp. Went to 38+2 with my di di girls & delivered via planned c section. They were 4.5 & 5.5lbs at birth respectively.

It was my second pregnancy & couldnā€™t have been easier! Zero morning sickness, no food aversions, no unexplained bleeding, no emergency hospital visits, babies both grew properly, I had decent energy from week 16 on, and my delivery (repeat c section) was incredibly easy to heal from (zero pain by 2 weeks pp & my scar is gone at 7 weeks pp too). I did have minor anemia towards the end, but I switched brands of iron pills and that solved the issue immediately. Oh and we didnā€™t even know we were having twins until my second ultrasound at 22 weeks because twin b was ā€œhidingā€ in the first & the incompetent ultrasound tech had mistaken the second heartbeat for an echo. šŸ™„ Yeah, so that was a shock, but a very welcome one!

This is in stark contrast to my first (singleton) pregnancy and deliveryā€¦ it was such a horrible experience that we seriously considered not having more kids. Took 10 years to even get pregnant, the pregnancy was miserable, I had to be on progesterone due to bleeding for 14 weeks, my uterus was not expanding properly for growth, my baby measured small from week 20 on, I had severe morning sickness from week 3-40, had a placental abruption that nearly killed both my first born and myself caused by an incompetent midwife, emergency c section after 12 hours of unmedicated labor (it was not my choice for it to be unmedicated), they gave me a sleeping medication to try to shut me up due to the pain I was in that made me hallucinate horribly, baby had a week long NICU stay from inhaling and ingesting so much of my blood, and my recovery was extremely slow (scarred badly & my abs hurt for 6 months pp)ā€¦ it was a nightmare & very traumatic (though thankfully our singleton has been the worldā€™s easiest child from the day we brought her home).

So when we found out that we were expecting again 8 months pp after my depo shot failed, I had serious reservations. We found out around week 6 though and I had zero symptoms other than a missed period. Considering I had been in the hospital 3 times for dehydration by 6 weeks with my singleton but had literally no symptoms the second pregnancy, we decided to roll the dice and I have to say, it was the absolute best pregnancy experience I could have had! I desperately wish everyone could have the twin pregnancy I experienced, especially after how bad the first pregnancy/delivery went. In a sense, it was very therapeutic for me & fully restored our faith in my ability to carry/deliver a pregnancy without complications. We will definitely be having more kids in the future & I am so grateful for our surprise twins ā¤ļø
@quaheem Spontaneous at 37+6.
3 days before my scheduled induction.
Very easy pregnancy up until the end even though I developed pre-eclampsia during labor there was no issues postpartum.

@quaheem 38+1, delivered via planned C. Baby A (8ā€™5) was hogging the nutrition from B (5ā€™9) and B was transverse almost the whole pregnancy. No pregnancy or birth complications. Just celebrated their 11th birthday last week.
@quaheem I made it to 38+1 no problem with my di/di twins. No complications besides being uncomfortable with having a 50lb belly lol. Iā€™m tall (5ā€™10) so that helped Iā€™m sure but I think I probably couldā€™ve gone until 40 weeks lol
@quaheem I got induced at 37 and delivered at 37+1. I was scheduled for my induction the next week but ended up having to go in sooner due to rising BP from pre-eclampsia that was found the day before. My induction was super smooth when I went in.
@quaheem My wife gave birth to our didi boy girl twins at 36w5d. Each weighed just over 5lbs each and spent zero time in the NICU. She gave birth via C-section on a Thursday and we came home that Sunday babies in hand. The doctor wanted us to wait till 38 weeks but my wife's preeclampsia was getting worse and made us deliver when we did. 9 months later they're doing great and hitting all their milestones.
@quaheem I had a vaginal delivery at 38 weeks on the dot! I was scheduled for an induction but was in labor when I checked in lol very uncomplicated vaginal delivery with baby b breech extraction. Both healthy little girlies!
@quaheem Di-di. Both breech. I went to 38+1 for my scheduled c section. My OB said I was 3 cm dilated at the time of the surgery so I probably wouldn't have lasted much longer even though I didn't have any labor signs. Was so glad to be done then- the babies were 8lbs 3oz and 7lbs at birth.

Pregnancy was medically extremely smooth and personally exhausting and the hardest physical (therefore also mental) thing I've ever done.
@quaheem I requested induction at 37 weeks. There's some research out there suggesting this is the sweet spot for maximizing the health of the mother (which decreases past this point), and the babies (which would theoretically increase past this point). I had had a smooth pregnancy up to then, but was developing some low level tachycardia, and I felt awful. I had an uneventful vaginal birth, twins were 7lbs 2oz and 7 lbs 8oz.
@quaheem Scheduled C section right at 38 weeks with di-di twin boys. Both breech. No complications during pregnancy although I needed iron infusions near the end. No complications at birth. 6lbs 6 oz and 6lbs 3 oz. All of us healthy and home within a couple days.
@quaheem My wife took both sets of twins to 38+. She had pretty easy pregnancies, all things considered, although the last few weeks were rough, especially with the second set.