Baby with mysterious digestive issues. PLEASE READ IF U R A MOM/DAD OF BB WITH TUMMY TROUBLES


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My baby (5 moths old) has had watery, very liquidy poop since we brought her home from the hospital. -This is not counting the normal meconium poops in the hospital.- It’s so runny that almost every time she sneezes or coughs poop shoots out of her like a bullet. It’s almost always yellow. No visible blood in her poop. She is not a fussy baby in my opinion and she is gaining weight normally. HOWEVER, the consistency of her poop always seemed a little odd to me even though her pediatrician and lactation consultant said it was fine. Finally, a little over a month ago her pediatrician, per my request, had my little ones poop tested and it was positive for microscopic blood. She said this means there is inflammation somewhere in the digestive system. So fist thing I was instructed to do was cut out dairy because I’m exclusively breastfeeding. Now it’s been a month and there has been absolutely no change in her poop so back to the pediatrician. Her poop was tested again and was still positive for blood. The pediatrician isn’t worried because my little one is gaining weight normally and orange fussy etc. We were basically told there’s nothing else that can be done and we are being sent to a lactation consultant to discuss my diet. Now I know how this looks, you probably think I’m some idiot parent running to the internet for answers instead of medical professionals. I feel like that too, BUT her pediatrician has basically told us there’s nothing else to do and I am frustrated. Has anyone else dealt with something like this before?
@bdentzy Often times a diary allergy goes hand in hand with a soy allergy. I have had several friends who have had to cut out both from their diets
@bdentzy This must be very concerning and frustrating! I’m so sorry. The first thing I would do is find a good DO pediatrician. Start there. These are physicians but their training is more towards integrative and functional medicine, finding causes rather than prescribing meds or changes. MDs follow the western med path of treating symptoms, not what is needed imo here. An MD seeing a patient with constipation for instance will likely advise: eat more fiber, drink more water, do this Miralax clean out. A DO seeing the same patient: what are you eating and drinking? What possible allergens are you exposed to? What are the sleep patterns? What stressors are happening? What is a typical day like? Hunting for possible systemic causes before prescribing anything, and all treatments have side effects. Find root cause. There are MDs who have moved to an integrative approach on their own, so you can seek them out. But finding a DO is more clear cut. I hope you get appropriate care and this resolves asap.
@bdentzy Mom to a 5.5 month old and this is her exactly! I cut out the top 9 allergens and never saw a difference. I am still Dairy free, soy free, gluten free and egg free but still liquid poops. We are going to a GI specialist on Friday. Hopefully for answers.
@bdentzy Yes absolutely. My son now 11 months was absolutely miserable coz of so many food sensitivities, never ending reflux and colic crying. Since you BF dairy allergy and soy allergy go hand in hand and often soy must be cut out (including checking labels of vitamins and medications). For some babies oats, corn, tree nuts, wheat, eggs can irritate the digestive tract.

When your provider says nothing can be done they’re wrong. You can choose to systematically cut foods and see if baby is better. Often that may not be necessary as babies get better at digestion as they grow older. Such treacherous elimination diets may not be sustainable so you have the option of moving on to hypoallergenic formula- there’s so many! Although it’s upto you how you wanna feed baby, your pediatrician is surely in a position to give you samples to try and guide you in the right direction with regard to this.
At 6 months babies can get tested for allergies by skin prick tests. Request them to connect you a GI and an allergist if you want to pursue this. Keep advocating! Seems like you’d want a better pediatrician. All parents have the right to feel heard. Please note that most of the allergies can be transient and many babies outgrow many of the allergies like my son did!
@bdentzy I had to cut dairy at 4 weeks and we still have liquid diarrhea poops at 13 weeks. We were referred to a GI specialist 3 weeks ago for somewhat low weight gain. I showed him pictures of her poops and some had small spots of bloody mucus along with a lot of other non bloody mucus and he said unless there’s a lot of blood it’s not really a concern. I had cut soy out of my diet a few days before the apt and he agreed to try it for a few weeks and see if there’s any difference. It’s been a little over 3 weeks now and her weight started to improve and the amount of mucus in her poops has reduced but it’s still straight diarrhea. We were told as long as she seems healthy and doesn’t start losing weight, then she’s okay. I feel both relieved and discouraged/disappointed after the appointment because I wanted more answers but he said once she starts solids her BM will likely improve and that more than likely she’ll outgrow the dairy and soy protein allergy by the time she’s 1