Anyone in constant state of disbelief or shock that it's taking this long?

@devzhere We also started trying in January... I didn't ovulate that first month. By now I've figured out my ovulation is way late in my cycle so we also missed the window in March... just had my first appointment at a fertility clinic last week. Need some hormone testing. I was diagnosed PCOS a few years ago so I wanted to follow up quickly and not wait a year, since I've never had a positive pregnancy test.
@devzhere And I made the horrible mistake of mentioning to some people a while ago that my husband and I MIGHT consider trying for a baby in the next couple of years, so everyone keeps asking me if we have an announcement to make everytime I reach out to say hi. It is HORRIBLE. I know I made my bed with this one but I didn't even tell them we would try! Just that we might consider it 😭
@devzhere We also started in Jan. We are young (mid 20s) no known health issues. Pretty fit. Eat relatively consistently well. Never ever thought this would be this hard (as I currently sit on the bathroom floor crying at a BFN at 10dpo)
@devzhere Same! Husband and I got married in September had already been off BC waaay before that and in January decided hey let’s just see what happens and guess what nothing has happened! 😔
@drobbyb I hear you. We've been trying since spring of 2022. This month is also my first medicated IUI, but it's looking like we'll be going for round two next cycle :(
@catej I was reluctant to accept this, but this cycle we will embark on first medicated IUI. Now my brain is like, maybe there is something wrong with my cervix position and now the sperm will be in my uterus, this is totally going to work! Ughhhhhhhh. I hope your round 2 is the one!
@drobbyb Totally relate to this. Everyone else seeming like they have it so easy and watching them get everything they wanted ... Meanwhile this has taken over my life and I'm sad all the time. It's the little things too, like even just going for a walk, I wish I could be pushing a stroller. Planning for the future feels like a dark tunnel. And sometimes I feel like there's just a brick wall at the end of that tunnel lol
@drobbyb Same boat here with infertility 😑. Got diagnosed with pcos and started on letrozole/metformin. Much easier for me to just assume it won’t happen so I don’t get disappointed.
@drobbyb I felt every word you said. We’ve been trying for over a year and nothing. Last month we did a Letrozole, ovidrel, progesterone cycle and I was convinced it worked until the clinic called and told me I wasn’t pregnant. It was a tough month and I’m just getting back to myself a bit now. I decided I’m taking the month off this month (just finished AF) so my husband and I can enjoy each other with out the stress of “maybe this month will be the month”. I am trusting that God will do it for us and I pray He does the same for you and every other woman that’s seeking the fruit of the womb ❤️
@drobbyb So sorry you're going through this so hard. I'm wondering what the doctors did? Were your tubes checked?

I believe the biggest lie we were told is that getting pregnant happens so easily.
@abbysmommy11 I've done all bloodwork and ultrasounds, and have done an HSG in which they confirmed both tubes are open (albeit one is "slightly dilated" for some reason, I've never had an type of injury or surgery..)