Anyone in constant state of disbelief or shock that it's taking this long?

@drobbyb Next month will be our 12th cycle, I find it so bizarre how it hasn’t happened yet, I was 4 days late once, took a test negative then bam period can later that day. Has your partner been tested? That’s on our list to do next
@andrewstrobel It's a weird feeling right, surreal? I oftentimes feel like I'm in a bad dream and I will wake up from this. This can't be reality, etc. My partner has been tested. Everything looks great on his end :/
@drobbyb Hm, I still don't have a lot of answers, but I know it is not punishment. No more then breaking a leg, or having a disability. There is no real sense in considering too late - a historic version of yourself is a different version, potentially in a different relationship, and absolutely no guarantee of fertility - as many young infertile people know.

It is frustrating.
@drobbyb I'm so sorry, just want you to know that I feel the same, it's exhausting and heartbreaking every month. you are not alone in this, even when you feel like you are! 💖😔
@drobbyb Meee 🫣 you stated every thought and feeling so perfectly.
It is exhausting, overwhelming, and at times defeating.
Never thought we'd be on this journey or have to make these difficult decisions.
@drobbyb My ovulation tests had positives when I was searching my fertility issues only to find out it’s not, just started taking meds. Yet I feel it’s too late for us. We still try.
@drobbyb I was a honeymoon baby. Two of my siblings were supposedly conceived the first cycle my parents started actively trying, and one more was an oops. I remember having conversations with my husband about it early on, hoping/believing we would have the same experience.

1.5 years, and a severe oligozoospermia dx later, clearly not the case. I wouldn’t say I’m shocked anymore, just disappointed.

Our life experience is completely different though. My parents married right out of high school when my dad went military. They were young and healthy, and a little reckless. I wasn’t married until mid/late 20s. My husband is in his mid 30s and has a few health conditions that absolutely contributed to MFI. I don’t think we would have had the problems we have now if we were trying at 19, but that was not in our cards, and neither of us would have had the life experience and careers we have now if we’d gone that route anyway.

It sucks. Bet if luck to you. Here’s to hoping there a light at the end of the tunnel.
@drobbyb I feel the same way. Totally discouraged and heartbroken. Every month I have a slight ounce of glimmer, only for it to be shattered by yet another BFN. I’m on to my first medicated cycle of IUI in a few days🤞🏻
@drobbyb I got pregnant easily with my daughter 17 years ago when I absolutely was NOT prepared to be a parent. Now, when we are actually TRYING it isn’t happening. My period is stupidly regular, nothing really wrong with us, and I’m on cycle 16 with no positive tests or anything. Just anger and frustration and sadness.
@drobbyb I feel this so much too! We tried for 2 years finally got pregnant and I miscarried at 8 weeks, we are 3 months into trying again and nothing :( found I ovulate 1 week before my period and I read online this may not be enough time but my doctor just tells me to keep on trying! Seeing everyone around me growing their family and the happiness it brings is totally soul destroying
@drobbyb I did get pregnant cycle one almost two years ago, had a late loss because of a rare immune disorder, and now we are infertile. My husband is for sure and I haven't had any kind of work up because I don't have symptoms of any issues with my cycles. I am so confused by how all the other loss moms seem to have babies now and they always get pregnant in two months. At this point I sort of figure we just aren't meant to have kids and I am fine with that, my husband still really wants them but I'm not looking forward to being high risk and all of the shots I'm going to have to have. At this point people from my original bump group are all getting pregnant again, and it's not even that big of a gap. If my first baby had lived we are getting to the point where my kids would be more than two years apart. It's not supposed to be that hard. My mom and both my grandmas had two entire live births in the time since we started trying. I have to assume that if we keep trying for most of my thirties we will end up with one or two kids but maybe not. It's so weird.

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