Can anyone actually get baby in backpack position themselves??

@guinin How do I scoot the baby around the side if her head goes past my shoulder? I tried loosening the waistband so it’s more around my hips but I still can’t get her head under my arm. Do you turn the baby sideways? Or around the arm instead of under?
@outofplace_christian When doing a back carry with a Sakura Bloom Scout (where the shoulder straps do not detach from the carrier) I sat on the couch with baby and carrier behind me and put them on like a backpack, and went to the bathroom mirror to adjust and tighten.

I have a meh-dai style carrier that I much prefer for back carry; the long wrap straps make it easy to hold the shoulder straps over your head to assist with a hip shuffle to get baby around to your back. I also found that (once I was pregnant enough to force me to try a high-back carry) putting the back panel of the carrier on baby's back and then doing a superman toss onto my back before putting any straps onto myself was way easier and less stress overall. BUT this might be easier done with a toddler who can take instructions and hold onto your neck while you're putting straps on. My second is 20 months now and we've done this a few times, and my partner has also tried it.

But yes, I've practiced and practiced to be able to make it work with both of my kiddos ever since my second was about 8 months old.
@outofplace_christian I have a different carrier (beco gemini) but I got how to scoot baby round from a video someone posted on here in a comment where someone was asking about it for a different carrier. Put the waistband on as if front carrying but don't have it tightened, put baby in as if front carrying, do a big hike and scoot around, move your arm, adjust a bit more, get your arms in, adjust a bit more, tighten your waistband, etc.
@outofplace_christian Honestly, my son is 20 months and I’ve watched so many YouTube videos about how to back carry but I’m not confident enough to pull it off. I’ve tried it in the house around soft furnishings but my concern is how to manoeuvre him in and out of it in public on my own. I can’t get past the fear of dropping him. I front carry often though.
@outofplace_christian Okay…I saw someone do this on Tik Tok and I’ve been doing it ever since. I put baby on my front as usual and do the chest strap up but keep the shoulder straps loose. I pull one arm out so it is above the shoulder strap and the other one goes beneath the shoulder strap. I then spin baby around onto my back, put my arms back in, and tighten everything up.

My baby is super wiggly and this made me feel really secure.
@jehu22 I believe what you are describing is walk like an Egyptian method (I didn’t name it) if you want to find the video or similar in the future
@outofplace_christian I have a lillebaby carrier and wore my first starting around 6mo, and my second child starting around 5mo, depending on neck and trunk control.

I first make sure the arm straps are attached to the sides, but not attached in the small middle crossbody buckle.

I secure the waist strap around myself and tighten it.

I lay or sit the baby in front of me, facing towards me.

I put my arms straight ahead and then rotate them like I'm turning a steering wheel sharply, then pick up the baby under the armpits.

I untwist my arms over my head, which rotates the baby to face my back, while bending over.

I reposition my hand to one pressing the butt towards me with using the other hand to make sure the legs are situated

I then use the free hand to slide my arm in the strap loop and flip it up over my shoulder like I'm sliding my arm into a jacket hole.

I then switch supporting hands and slide my other arm in the strap loop.

Once I feel the baby is secure, I let go of the butt and snap the front crossbody connection.

I then stand up

Tldr: watch a video of someone doing it
@outofplace_christian I don't move her under my armpit (although that is another method).

I grab her under her armpit with opposite hands (think turning a hard corner with the steering wheel, one arm is crossed over the other).

Then I lift her up over my head while untwisting my arms. This turns her 180° in the air over my head.

Then I lower her behind my head (like if you're washing the top of your back, but with both arms) , where she moves down slowly as I'm bent over at a 45° angle.

She is now basically laying on her tummy on my back at an incline.

I maintain my hold with one hand under her armpit, and then move the other arm down cupping her butt.

Then I let go of her armpit and use that arm to flip the strap over my shoulder, then cup her butt, letting go with my other arm that was under the butt.

She doesn't slide down because I'm leaning over at an angle , and the friction of our clothing, plus I always have at least one hand supporting her.
@outofplace_christian The ergo baby 360 video was most helpful to me, but basically I just did a lot of trial and error while sitting down on the bed. And then for a while I only did it while sitting/kneeling so the stakes were lower… now I can do it anytime, anywhere! Just takes practice
@outofplace_christian I have a Happy Baby OG so it's different, apron-style...but I do it sitting on the edge of the couch with her sitting behind me, and then stand up bent over. But I think at 7 months I still needed help. When they are older they are less floppy and hold on to you more.
@outofplace_christian I could never figure out the superman toss or the hip scoot with my kid. When I back wear, I put the carrier on the couch, set my little guy in the carrier with the shoulder straps loosened, and then sit down and shimmy the shoulder straps onto my shoulders like I'm putting on a backpack. Then once he's on my back, I scoot him up so he's in the right spot and tighten the shoulder straps. I do this with an onbuhimo but I think it would work with other kinds of carriers.

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