Anyone in constant state of disbelief or shock that it's taking this long?

@drobbyb Cycle 14 here, 11dpo and got a bfn. Had all the tests done and got slapped with the “unexplained” diagnosis. I totally relate to all your feelings. I honestly can’t even picture seeing a second line on a pregnancy test at this point.
@drobbyb This brought tears to my eyes. I could have written this. 16 cycles, never had a positive pregnancy test ever. Normal cycles, open tubes, normal labs, ovulating every month, yet I’m still not pregnant. What the hell gives?! I’ve turned bitter about my friends getting pregnant before me and even seeing pregnant strangers is triggering. It’s so fucking unfair and cruel. I always feel so dumb for feeling hope every cycle and then it all crashes down on me when AF comes. I really don’t have much advice because I’m in the thick of it myself, but please just know you ar don’t alone in these feelings or thoughts. They are so valid.
@drobbyb In my experience, that feeling waxes and wanes as time goes on. Some days, it's easy just to be numb to all of it. Other days, I want to watch the world burn.

No one goes into this expecting this to take so long. None of us deserve infertility. No one can research their way out of infertility. Infertility isn't reserved for people who are assholes. These facts make it easier for me to accept that this is the hand we've been delt.
@drobbyb I really don't know why this happens to you since your doctor said that everything is normal.. May I ask how much your AMH is? I've been to 3 gynecologist and they told me that it's extremely difficult for my situation to have a successful IVF and that I should be consider of an egg donor and this is really devastating for me because it's like I won't have my own baby with some of my DNA.
@galpal070 My AMH is 5.2 ng/ML. Gosh I cannot imagine how you must feel. I think it hurts the most because we don't know these things until we become serious about trying for a baby versus preventing, or finally settle down with someone you want to procreate with. And then boom, this. You spend your entire life thinking the hardest part is finding the right person, but it's actually this.
@galpal070 Hey there, what is your AMH?

Not a doctor, but here’s my story. At 31 mine was .57 and .67 earlier this year, with a slight vitamin D deficiency. I saw one RE who pretty much told me my time was running short and I needed to do IUI immediately and said she probably wouldn’t even consider me for IVF someday (this was on my 10th cycle, with regular monthly ovulation and no other issues). She refused to check AFC and FSH saying my AMH tells her what she needs to know. So I switched to another RE who was totally unphased by my AMH. Checked FSH and AFC and those were normal. She isn’t talking IVF yet as she wants to do IUI but told me she wouldn’t write me off simply bc of my AMH. She told me many women conceive with low AMH and it has no bearing on ability to get pregnant until cycles begin stopping or becoming irregular.
@evertipse07 My AMH is 0.066 ng/ml and I am 36 years old. All these bc of my endometriosis and bc of unqualified doctors concerning endo. Does IUI work better than IVF? I've started taking Vit. D3, B6, B12, Q10 and folic acid. Don't know if I should start taking DHEA as well, but I didn't ask any doctor and I don't know if supplements will help me since i have very low AMH. Why is your AMH low?
@galpal070 IUI doesn’t have better success rates than IVF typically but from my understanding those with diminished ovarian reserve (which isn’t diagnosed from AMH alone, doctors typically also look at that alongside FSH and AFC….though at .006 it is likely) do not respond as well to meds which can make IVF much more difficult since the goal with IVF is to get as many eggs as possible to have the best chances for success. For this reason, in some cases, some doctors may recommend IUI instead of IVF since IVF may not increase chances by much if the body doesn’t respond well to the meds. Some clinics also have a cut off for IVF based on AMH because very low levels are less likely to succeed.

My doctor found no cause for my low AMH, she said sometimes it just happens, sometimes it’s hereditary, and sometimes it can be endometriosis. I’m sorry you’re going through all of this. One thing I’ve learned from this journey is the importance of finding a doctor you trust and letting them guide you. If you’re unhappy with yours and are able to do so, it may be worth going to another for a second opinion. It is important to trust your doctor. I also suggest speaking to your doctor before beginning any supplements like DHEA. I was going to try that and then got some labs done and realized I didn’t need it. Good luck!
@evertipse07 Thank you so much!! I went to 3 gynecologist and to a 4th one as well and the last one told me to get some eggs out of me before he puts me on a surgery for my 2 endometriosis bc after the surgery the AMH will drop and it might reach 0 as he said. But he also told me that he doesn't promise me for a baby, but I don't know... I hope everything goes well and that he can at least find one good egg!
@galpal070 That’s great! Low AMH does not mean a person can’t get pregnant, it may just mean the window to conceive is slightly shorter. A lot of women do conceive even with lower AMH levels.
@drobbyb I am right there with you. It’s kind of a mind fuck! Some months I feel hopeful again, other months I’m just so numb and hard to find any glimpse of hope. I thought getting pregnant would be easy since I was charting and knew I was ovulating. Then after every month of negatives I started to get more and more nervous. Maybe this won’t happen for us? I’m in the unexplained boat as well and it’s really tough to wrap my head around.

I truly wish the best for you, and know that you are not alone ❤️
@drobbyb Wow. This could have been written by me. Exactly same experience. Going on 18 months with unexplained infertility. All I can say is at least you are not alone in this.
@drobbyb I feel this and could have written the same at 14 cycles in. I just can’t fathom why it’s taking so long and my hope is dashed on getting pregnant unassisted. Also never had a positive or a late period, it’s brutal. I’m sorry you’re on this train too, I’m trying to hop off!
@drobbyb I was trying for almost two years before we had my fallopian tubes tested and found one was at least partially blocked. Lowers chances of conceiving up to 45% since every other cycle might be a crap shoot.

Honestly I almost felt relieved to just have one reason WHY when every other test had come back completely fine.
@drobbyb Trust me, you are not alone. It took me a year to get pregnant with my first. It's going on two years of trying to get pregnant again. I got pregnant with her eight years ago so a lot has changed but damn, it shouldn't be this difficult. Nobody in my family is infertile. It's only me. In the last two years, I've had two chemical pregnancies. So it's not that the eggs aren't there, ready to go. It's not that my husband is the problem. It's like my uterus is made out of rubber and everything just bounces off. If I can't get pregnant again, we just can't have another kid. We're not rich. My insurance doesn't cover infertility treatment. We can't pay for IVF out of pocket. At most, I can maybe get diagnosed with the cause and then be sad about it forever. Hooray.

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