Anyone else have a giant baby?

@washedinhisblood Omg saaaame!! It’s such a nice relief to see other parents with big babies, too. My second is 3 months now and is wearing 6-9 month clothes and in size 4 diapers. He needs to be sized up soon. He was 8 lbs at birth, born 3 weeks early. My first was 1 week early, 9 lbs 1 oz. Before my second, I thought my first was the biggest baby I’d have 🤣 I’m also a petit woman and nobody could believe I pushed out a 9 lb-er the first time 🤣😅
@washedinhisblood Hiiiii! My boy was 9 lbs 1 oz at birth and 8 days over due. He was 6 weeks, 2 days on Saturday and weighed 12.5 lbs (82%) and was 24 inches long (98+%). He can put down 4-5.5 oz in a feeding and also doesn't really spit up... but some people say over feeding but fooey on that. He isn't even chunky whatsoever just LONGGGG. My husband and I are both about 5'8/5'9 but my dad and brother are closer to 6'4 so we are wondering if he will get that gene
@washedinhisblood Indeed I do!

Bro came out with a 401k and some SERIOUS opinion about the stock market.

In all seriousness, he's too big for 12 mo clothes in lots of brands (at 6 months old).

My back and shoulders are killing me, arms are always sore, etc.
@veivod That’s hilarious 😂 Maybe we could get our babies together and we’d be millionaires by the end of the year! I feel you with the pain though, every time I pick him up it’s like I’m doing curls 😭
@washedinhisblood From 1-2 months, my son was in the 90th percentile. He’s 6 months now and has been in the 98th percentile since he was about 2.5 months. I’ve seen babies older than him that are way smaller, it’s always so funny seeing everyone’s reaction when they learn of his age
@washedinhisblood Oh gosh! Yeah, at the doctors everyone kept saying how huge he was compared to their kids. I’m like he’s just a babyyyy. And it’s worse when they expect him to be walking or talking already but he’s barely 6 months 😂
@washedinhisblood Yep!! My baby boy was 9lbs 3oz and 21 inches long at birth. He turned 4 months on 12/15 and weighed 19lbs 6oz putting him in 97th percentile and was 2’ 3.25” in for his height putting him in 99th percentile! His head is in 84th percentile I believe. He’s in 6-9mo clothing currently, but about to switch him to 12mo clothing. I held someone else’s baby the other day who was born a week before my son and she was 13lbs and it felt like she weighed nothing lol. I love my big boy and everything about him, but sometimes I’m kind of jealous of smaller babies because they get to enjoy baby things longer if that makes sense. Like he outgrew his bassinet so fast & is over the weight limit for his bouncer and now won’t fit into sleep and plays :/
@washedinhisblood We’re on the opposite end of the spectrum, at 4 months 13lbs and 23.5 inches, we’re just barely pushing 3-6 month and that’s because of his bulky cloth diapers. He was born 4 weeks early at 6lbs 1oz and 16.5 inches long
@washedinhisblood Ooh, me! He's only in the 95th percentile, but that's still big. He's growing bigger faster than I'm growing stronger. I'm only 5'5" and 110lbs, so I'm being absolutely crushed by this not-so-little four month old. We joke that by the time he's a toddler, he'll be carrying me around.
@cfiscel That was me and my mom lol! She said I was like 10 when we were the same height, granted she’s only 5’2 but still. Hopefully since I’m tall he won’t outgrow me till like highschool 😂
@washedinhisblood My son was 5 weeks early and was 6lbs11oz - 19.5 inches long. He was bigger than his cousin born at 39 weeks. He has been 99th percentile since 4 months and weighed 24lbs at 6 months. Now at 1 year old, he's 30lbs and 32 inches tall wearing 4T! My husband is 6'2" and my father-in-law is 6'5" so we are expecting him to continue on his giant path. I'm only 5'2" and this kid is my workout every day.
@washedinhisblood Yup this was my baby. We went up one clothes size a month. I had an entire year of clothes from friends and family prepped and she was outgrowing them by 4 months. Although now that she’s 1, her growth has slowed down a bit. She’s been at 2T since 9 months now and she’s dropped from 99th percentile to 80th percentile for weight.